Saturday, August 31, 2019
Body Fat and Eating Disorders Essay
Body composition is composed of lean tissues and fats in the body. Lean tissue includes muscle, bone, and organs, while fats include essential, non-essential, and storage. Obesity has environmental and lifestyle effects. Some effects include high availability of fast food and high fat content food. Advertisements for different types of foods are seen all over the television, and a lot of the ads are for unhealthy foods that are aimed at children. Many families are limited to buying the cheaper foods that are found in stores. Health foods are often more costly and low income families simply cannot afford them. Inexpensive foods are often served in portions that are well above the recommendations for servings. Families keep themselves so busy in this day and time, and this leads to buying foods that are convenient to make. Convenience foods can often be high in fat and calories, making them unhealthy choices. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder that causes a fear of gaining weight. A person may feel fat even though he or she is extremely thin. Some of the health problems associated with anorexia are changes in brain chemistry, brittle hair and nails, weak muscles, bone loss, and fractures. Anorexia can also cause kidney failure and growth problems. Bulimia nervosa is when large amounts of food are uncontrollably eaten and then purged. A person with bulimia may use methods like abuse of diuretics and laxatives to get rid of the food that is eaten. Physical complications include irritation of esophagus, stomach, and throat from excessive vomiting. The teeth can become yellowed and damaged from the acid in vomit. Bulimia also causes lung irritation due to choking during vomiting. The choking allows food to enter the lungs. The loss of body fluids causes low potassium and sodium levels. Muscle spasms and weakness may also be experienced. Some of the health problems associated with it is low blood pressure, slow heart rate, bone loss, heart failure, or kidney failure. Bulimia nervosa is another eating disorder that can cause a lot of problems. Bulimia is actually a combination of anorexia and binging. Bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder and anorexia nervosa can all be serious, life threatening eating disorders. Depression or stress can cause an individual to eat too much which causes an excess weight gain and if left untreated, can lead to serious health problems. Eating too little can cause an individual to be lacking necessary nutrients needed for the body to function properly. Binge eating leads to a loss of control over the binging and purging associated with this disease. Individuals afflicted with these eating disorders typically eat foods that are high in sugar and salt content. The foods these individuals choose are low in healthier nutrients. For this reason, these individuals are at risk for type 2 diabetes which is very serious. High blood pressure, high cholesterol and gallbladder disease are other health risks associated with bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder and anorexia nervosa.
Friday, August 30, 2019
College List Essay
Pg. 211 Check Comprehension 1. The speaker addresses the happy leaves, the happy lines, and the happy rhymes. The listeners are asked to deliver what he feels to the women he loves. 2. In Sonnet 35 the speaker wants the same type of visual devotion from his wife as he is to her. 3. In Sonnet 35 the speaker compares his eyes to narcissus and his own-self infatuation. 4. In the first four lines the speaker writes his wives name in the sand twice and then the tide washes the names away both times. One speaker is Edmund Spenser and the other is his wife. Critical Thinking 1. The Physical and emotional state of the speaker is evolved around the desire of having the girl because he doesn?t have her he is starving and becoming unhealthy emotionally, he is depressed because his heart is throbbing without her. 2. The ?object of their pain? that the speaker is talking about is the inability for his wife to give affection to him, but he gives it to her. 3. It expresses morality and poetry as being the same because once it is written it begins to fade and morality begins to fade also. 4. Pg 213 Check Comprehension 1. In sonnet 31 the speaker addresses the moon. 2. In sonnet 31 the moon appears to the speaker weak, sickly, and pale. The speaker believes that the cause of the moons sadness is that it does not receive the love that it deserves. 3. The six benefits that the speaker attributes to sleep are the certain knot of peace, the baiting place of wit, the balm of woe, the poor man?s wealth, the prisoners release, and the indifferent judge between the high and low. 4. In sonnet 39 the speaker wants to sleep to shield or escape his sorrow. Critical Thinking 1. The connection between the appearance moon and the thoughts that the speaker utters is that they both have pale and sickly faces that look very sad. 2. The speaker is seeking escape from his sorrow though sleep by using it as a shield. 3. Judging by what is said in each sonnet you can make the conclusion that each speaker is yearning for his love because they got into a fight and were separated. 4. The speakers lover might scorn the moon because of it?s love for her. 5. Sonnet 39 talks about his desire to sleep are related to how people still deal with problems. People believe psychologically that it heals their problems.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
God’s Word in Schools Essay
Currently our country is in moral decay because we are not raising our children under the authority of God’s Word. For example, some parents feel as though their children should not have to do chores around the house. It is our responsibility as parents to educate our children on what God’s Word says about all of life’s issues, including chores. In Jane Smiley’s, The Case Against Chores she attacks parents that have their kids do chores saying that it alienates children from the family, but it my family it brings us together because we all pitch in to get the job done. In 1 Samuel 16:11 it says when Samuel came to anoint David, he was in the field tending the sheep. He was doing his chores! This passage clearly indicates that God wants kids to do chores. Whether or not our kids do chores is not the biggest issue though. In the 1960’s the U. S. Supreme Court decided to take prayer out of our schools. From that point on our country has seen a vast moral decay resulting in things such as AIDS and the murder of millions of innocent babies. Are we to blame the government for this? How about the school system? We need to look at ourselves as parents. Since our school systems are not going to allow the Word to be taught we parents must take up the sword and teach our children what God has to say about life’s major issues. Traditional family values are quickly becoming a thing of the past. In her article Ms. Smiley states, â€Å"And don’t the parents love their children anyway, whether the children vacuum or not? †This is insinuating that the only reason parent’s love their kids, is because of the work they do. To that I say it’s because we love our kids we assign them chores. This helps them learn responsibility. The Bible says, â€Å"Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it†(Proverbs 22:6). It’s not just about teaching our children what the Word says, but we must show them in our relationship with them. Ms. Smiley says in her article when she was taking care of her horse she saw the purpose of her labor. If we educate our children about God’s Word they will see the purpose in everything they do. Colossians 3:23 says, â€Å"And whatever you do work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men. †When God’s Word is in our heart our entire life takes on new meaning. Ms. Smiley says in her article when she was a girl she had a problem with a teacher because she (Ms. Smiley) always did what she wanted to do. She had no responsibility. She would leave for school with her room a mess and return home and it would be cleaned up for her. It’s clear that God’s Word had not been taught to Ms. Smiley. The Bible says in Romans 13:1 that we are to submit ourselves to authority. Proverbs 15:33 tells us the fear of the LORD teaches a man wisdom. Had Ms. Smiley been taught the Word there would not have been a problem. In the case of Ms. Smiley we can see where our culture is going astray. We have gotten away from God in the home and in the schools and we now have one generation passing down their values (or lack thereof) to another. In order to restore our country to what our founding fathers intended it to be we must start in the homes. We can do this by giving our kids chores, disciplining them when needed, telling them what they need to hear as opposed to what they want to hear, spending time with them, showing them love, and most importantly teaching them about our Heavenly Father. In doing so we can bring up a nation of young leaders who can restore this great land to what it once was, one nation under God with liberty and justice for all.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Lean Implementation at Oak Hill Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Lean Implementation at Oak Hill - Case Study Example Their current lead-time of domestic order for the testing equipment lies in between one to two weeks, with international orders yielding up to three months. Urgent requirement lies within the high costs associated with keeping the exploration idle – costing an average of $50,000 to $100,000 per day. In intending to reduce their lead-time to one week, as well as to increase operational efficiency, Oak Hills also plans to enhance customer service with the help of lean manufacturing techniques. Oak Hills level of inventory is much higher than necessary because of the high demand volatility and lack of vendor management. The main issues that Oak Hills facility is facing are, employee related concerns, worn out machines, workload on quality department, the lack of quality checkpoints, and process inefficiency. All of which need to be solved before implanting the lean system. The lean system will help improve the processes and quality of the facility as well as lessen the wastage. However, employees are the key to this change; we need to change the current work environment to help boost the employee morale. Furthermore, machines and systems need to be updated in order to reduce waste of raw material and to save time and manpower. The management and employees at Oak Hills need to work together and communicate with one another in order to implement lean system successfully. Employee related fears: There is a lack of communication from management to employees regarding current lay-off’s due to the economy issues, which has diminished the employee morale. Additionally, issues of unfair bonuses pools are awarded on team basis, which employees are cross functionally trained, and are sometimes forced to assist other employees to complete the rush jobs. Damaged machines: Oak Hills has been utilizing old worn-out machines for years in which are not up to par with current levels. This results in waste of raw materials and employee turmoil at work
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Violations of religious tolerance that the Danish cartoons of Muhammad Essay
Violations of religious tolerance that the Danish cartoons of Muhammad have committed - Essay Example The last part engages the international resulting towards the cartoons, and how part of them were brutal. Consequently, a wrap up will be derived to attest that the Danish cartoons have violated and broke religious forbearance in wider and tremendous basis. To start with the very first explains the cartoons’ narrative, its reasoning, and will include a depiction concerning some of the drawings. The cartoons were initially printed in Denmark by a Danish newspaper known as Jyllands-Posten. It published 12 cartoon images on the 30thof September 2005. The intention which led to the publication was undecided raising to some argue that it was founded on an experiment conducted to rise above self- suppression (Saloom, 2006).On same front, this lead to hatred and animosity from this newspaper since the 1990s on the Muslim contingent of Denmark. When it all commenced with publishing Amin’s story, a Muslim boy who was suspended from school for his rejection to shower naked amongst students in the same bathroom (Hervik, 2012). According to this narrative every offensive images of prophet Muhammad showed him like a cruel and unacquainted being, though, one in consideration has been to the Danish cartoons notice, was the drawing of Muhammad holding a bomb fused in whereby he was in a regalia. Hence, I portrayed of Islamic faith, surrounding the bomb held by the prophet. Other cartoons are fond of portrayal Prophet Muhammad holding a sword ready for a battle. While the second one showed women next to him while they rose against violence too. This offensive illustration have largely put in much empasy in two westernization on how the Muslim faith, more so about views of their belief as vicious and inhuman to women. Additionally analysis on Muslims has never been altered while the shocking incident of 9/11 occurred. Muslims and Arabs contingent are known to be much of violent and racist people. The following
Monday, August 26, 2019
Hazardous Waste and International Environmental Policy Essay
Hazardous Waste and International Environmental Policy - Essay Example Large amounts of the world’s harmful wastes generated by the world’s industrialized market economies are exported to less developed countries in Asia and Africa. The big question here is; how can domestic policy address the issue of e-waste? Are there ratifications put in place to stop this menace? This paper focuses on the possibility of the enacted legislations to stop hazardous waste disposals in developing countries. As a matter of fact, the non developed countries remain vulnerable to disposal of the hazardous e-waste since they lack a ratified policy to stop dumping of wastes in their land. As this disposal continues human health is at a great risk of it being compromised. The issue of health has raised attention compelling developing states to enact laws and regulations governing e-waste disposal. This is a positive trend that puts into check waste disposal. It is however worth noting that the regulations formulated only apply to the states in question and does n ot touch on the exporting countries where the waste originates from in fact some key producers of e-waste are reluctant to ratification plans designed to reduce these wastes. The result of lack of law enforcement on e-waste in poor and developing countries pose a major danger to human health and its environment. Poor countries need to come up with domestic policies that does not only govern internal waste disposal but also imported e-waste. In addition, poor countries need to unite and formulate an international policy that will govern importation of e-waste from developed countries. At individual level, people should learn basic concepts of recycling as this will reduce intoxication of lands and its resources. However, this may not completely stop e-waste disposal. It is further complicated because of the large volumes of wastes produced caused by the ever changing
Separation of Church and State Literature review
Separation of Church and State - Literature review Example Second, and perhaps, on the contrary, the notion of a constitutional "separation of church and state" (a phrase that appears nowhere in the U.S. Constitution) is an influential symbol in American political discourse. Though there is little agreement relating to the precise meaning of such separation, the principle itself is not normally challenged in American politics (Jelen, 2000). Thus, 1Separation of church and state was definitely not an invention of the Enlightenment political theory that might have prompted similar thoughts in the mind of the respected Thomas Jefferson. Certainly, it misleads to analyze the lively experiment in political terms at all, for the Providence regime was just as certainly and decisively rooted in Protestant theologies as was the Puritans' city on a hill. The encompassing description of liberty of conscience was the systematizing principle of society, and it produced a kind of severance of church and state. It is thus significant to keep in mind that the cleavage was meant to protect the church and the soul from the debasing influence of the magistrate, to protect the garden of the church from corruption in the boondocks of the world. The quest for spiritual purity quite factually led into the political realm, where he was basically traditional, if not authoritarian. This priority of the religious is clearly evident in the legislative explanation for the revised 1798 Act Relative to Religious Freedom and the Maintenance of Ministers: Whereas Almighty, God hath created the mind free; that all attempts to influence it by temporal punishments or burthens, or by civil incapacitation, tend only to beget habits of hypocrisy and meanness, and is a departure from the plan of the Holy Author of our religion, who being Lord both of body and mind, yet chose not to propagate it by coercions on either, as was in his almighty power to do that to compel a man to furnish contributions of money for the propagation of opinions which he disbelieves, is sinful and tyrannical; that even the forcing him to support this or that teacher of his own religious persuasion, is depriving him of the comfortable liberty of giving his contributions to the particular pastor whose morals he would make his pattern, and whose powers he feels most persuasive to righteousness, and is withdrawing from the ministry those temporary rewards, which, proceeding from an appropriation of their personal conduct, are an additional incitement to earnest and unre mitting labors for the instruction of mankind.  Â
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Harlem poet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Harlem poet - Essay Example Claude McKay, a Jamaican-American poet, expressed concern over the heightened tension that emanated from racism that existed in the 1920s. His role during the Harlem Renaissance had outstanding impacts on a number of readers of poems. Some of his poems were quite militant with the core objective of challenging the brutal leadership experienced by the blacks. He was of key contribution in condemning the leadership while expressing the challenges faced by the blacks to cope with the racial tension at that time. He is iconic for advocating for the consideration of humanity and fair treatment of the oppressed. The celebration of the traditions and heritage of blacks was a key characteristic of the Harlem Renaissance. One of McKay’s most celebrated pieces of literature include If We Must Die poem. The piece of work was a justification of the rights of the blacks, who at the time experienced serious exclusion and segregation (Marshall Cavendish Corporation, 2003). In the poem, he stated that blacks were confident to wage against the forces of tyranny given their resilience. He writes, in the poem, that blacks intend to â€Å"fight back†(Shmoop, 2010) even when facing death. The major theme that is evident is prejudice and abuse. He expressed the plight of the blacks and the brutal leadership that they experienced. Langston Hughes wrote inspirational poems during the period of the 1920s. He is prominent for his role in spearheading the upcoming literary appreciation during Harlem Renaissance. Through the poems, he encouraged the pleasure of the traditions of the blacks and their heritage. Among his inspirational poetic works was the poem, The Weary Blues. The theme of art and culture of the Negro is evident through the poem. He describes the relationship between art and culture as confusing and initiates weariness. The theme of race is evident from the poem, as well. The African
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Marriage and divorce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Marriage and divorce - Essay Example and Lynn Kunz 1995). High risk factors that make marriages prone to divorce include social differences between the partners as well as abuse. Some of these causes may be prevented while some are inherent. Marriage is a lifetime commitment between two parties. It is a social institution, forming a binding contract between spouses in regards to their obligations between them and their relatives. Owing to the fact that it is a social institution, marriages form a broad setup, differing from one culture to the next. The decision to marry and who to marry largely depends on the cultural and religious beliefs of individuals. According to statistics, marriage institutions in the late twentieth century decreased by 30% (Weastermak 2002). The reasons could be attributed to the fact that more people choose to cohabit rather than to marry. Tough economic times may also prevent men from committing to the marriage institution so as to prevent dowry payment as well as expensive wedding ceremonies. However, due to the administrative laws put in place, as well as legal rights protecting women, some marriage setups are illegal. These include child and forced marriages, polygamy as well as planned mar riages. Other developments include the existence of civil marriages, which does no t recognize the religious fraternity, but rather the rights and obligations outlined by the government. Initially, marriage only involved people of the same gender, but some laws currently allow the union of spouses of similar gender. This development first surfaced in 13 nations in the beginning of the 21C. Other developments include inter racial and interfaith marriage unions. If well reviewed at the point of initiating marriage, couples remain prepared of what is expected of them to prevent overwhelming instances by marriage challenges. Couples committed into making their marriages work have less chances of
Friday, August 23, 2019
Computer supported collaborative learning Literature review
Computer supported collaborative learning - Literature review Example The emergence of new technologies in the 21st century is forcing educational institutes to work out new patterns of learning where computers can play vital roles. In order to cope with the modern world requirements Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL) systems concentrate on refining, facilitating and incorporating the learning process with the support of collaborative partners (Kobbe et al, 2007). CSCL has now become an essential component of the learning environment. CSCL could be defined as a system promising innovations and tools for restructuring teaching-learning processes to prepare students for the emerging knowledge society (Stahl et al, 2006, p409). CSCL has aim to improving the process of teaching and learning through the use of modern communication technology. CSCL is an instructional technology that encourages students to learn together and jointly solve problems. It is the opposite of the traditional concept of learning where learners are solitary receivers of knowledge. CSCL ensures that students are learning in a vigorous, stimulating and socially enriched framework (Nelson and Ketelhut, 2008). CSCL technology focuses on collaborative learning support, to enhance peer interaction and working in groups; to facilitate sharing and distributing knowledge and expertise among community members. CSCL address the issues of concept learning, problem solving and designing (Ioannidou et al., 2010). The system not only functions to communicate ideas and information but also works to impart feedback on problem solving activities. The technology is based on the belief that computer supported systems can effectively work to achieve objectives which may not be possible in face-to-face communication. CSCL concentrates on refining and incorporating the learning process of collaborative partners in a technology-based environment. It allows students to
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Cultural Considerations in Conveying Bad News Essay Example for Free
Cultural Considerations in Conveying Bad News Essay Abstract I am researching what are the cultural considerations needed, to convey bad news to people of different cultures. Cultural Considerations in Conveying Bad News Bad news is inevitable, but how we convey them is very important. Technology and globalization has made the world much smaller, and we are interacting and doing business with people from different cultures more frequently than we did in past years. Because of this, we also need to very much aware of how we deliver negative messages. The following are some suggestions to delivering bad news across different cultures: â€Å"North Americans prefer to present bad news indirectly, to minimize disappointment. In Asian countries, people try to avoid disrupting the harmony with bad news. To avoid saying ‘no’ Japanese communicators may change the subject or may respond with counter question or with silence. Brazilians as well prefer high-context communication. Maybe or I will try is understood as No in Brazilian culture. But German communicators tend to present bad news directly. Directness is an important aspect in business for Germans. British communicators also utilize the direct approach when it comes to bad news. In Latin countries, however, the question is whether to present bad news, because reporting bad news to superiors is impolite and disrespectful.†From the above examples, we can see that cultural differences must be considered before the message can be sent, if we want the message to be received, and understood by the receivers. References: Sandeep (March 19, 2011) [Designed for Word 97.]
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Comparing operating systems Essay Example for Free
Comparing operating systems Essay Operating systems are the programmes that create environment which enable the various programmes to run on a computer. That is why they are also referred to as platforms. The programmes that run on these platforms can range from simple office automation softwares that enable us to do wordprocessing to games and also device drivers. All major companies make their software for multiple platforms. By platform we mean the base environment that enables the communication between the onboard devices like the hard-disk, memory, various ports (input/output) and the functions it will carry out using other programmes that will run in that environment. For example if we look at Microsoft which makes the MS Office software that is used by most personal computers. They make MS Office for not only their own operating system namely Windows but also for MAC and also for UNIX / LINUX. The function of the Operating system is to provide an environment and background on which the other applications will run. This involves the use of Hardware like the display card, network card, sound card, printers, scanners, other input and output devices. The hardware is linked to the computer through ports and communicates with the operating system through special software known as firmware (or drivers as it is commonly known). The most common Operating Systems are:  Windows  MAC  UNIX/LINUX WINDOWS: This is developed by Microsoft and has become a major platform for personal computers around the world. The name Windows was coined for the reason that one can open more than one application at the same time and work on each one independently simply by opening them in different windows. The earlier programmes did not have this capability and it revolutionised the industry. After this popularity, various versions were developed with time and now-a-days, we see the launch of Windows Vista. Before this we had the Windows XP, Windows 2000, Windows NT, Windows ME, Windows 98 etc. The popularity of Windows has been more so in its marketing strategy in that it has not limited itself to geographical boundaries. As a result of its becoming popular and being the most commonly used operating system also had advantages in terms of support. There were more people who had had experience of using Windows and some were able to even provide expertise and support where more advanced Microsoft support was not available e. g. in the remote areas of Africa and other rural areas. But like its popularity it had other people who liked to know more of the Operating system and who wanted to know more about how it works in the background. This led to a new breed of programmers who liked to tear things apart and learn about the mechanism of the system. These people then found ways of overriding certain functions, disabling certain features and using the system to their own advantage and a term was coined for them to be known as Hackers. Windows has had to deal with this breed of programmers to continue to hold the market and continuously trying to prove that their Operating System is safe and secure. Some of these programmers later on turned to other ways of proving their skills by developing programmes that would install themselves on the system and wreak havoc on the user by destroying the data, playing up with files and hijacking confidential information and sending it to them. These programmes are known as viruses, which like the clinical virus, avoid detection by changing form and then when the opportunity allows, do their bit of destruction. Windows uses the protocol TCP/IP to communicate with other computers. It is also the protocol that is used for communicating with the internet. MAC : This was developed by the makers of Apple Macintosh computers or Apple for short. It has upto now managed to hold a great deal of market share in the USA where it originated and incidentally, Microsoft is also based there. The MAC operating system was developed solely for use in the Apple computers and it was programmed for specific hardware that was on the Apple PCs. Unlike Windows that was developed independent of the hardware, MAC on the other hand remained dependent on the hardware and the various versions that came were designed so as to get the maximum output from the same hardware rather than for other new hardware. This was the reason that AppleMac as it was commonly called failed to capture the global market since people could not afford to buy the hardware and also the level of support was lacking beyond the borders of USA. It did try to market the concept that you need to buy the hardware only once and then just keep upgrading the software but by this time it was too late. Far East especially Taiwan, Korea, Japan and China took on the opportunity and started developing motherboards for PCs for which Microsoft was willing to supply the necessary Operating System. MAC has produced various versions so far and presently we are using MAC OS x10. 5 also nicknamed Leopard just like its previous versions which were also named after the big cats. Except for the first one which was named Kodak after the Grizzly bear. Unlike Windows MAC does not have enemies of the likes of Hackers and Virus creators. It does get them but since MAC is not a popular system of the likes of Windows the Hackers and Virus programmers find it not that worthwhile to work on them. However, it does not mean that they are free from it, some people still do it and MAC also has to work around such people each time and new patches are constantly being developed. MAC uses the protocol AppleTalk to communicate with other computers. However, when it needs to go to the internet, it has to have TCP/IP protocol installed. UNIX/LINUX: Unlike the Windows and MAC this is not only an Open Source Operating System but also Freeware. By Open Source we mean that the main code of the programme on which it is based, is not secret or a property of anyone. Earlier when we talked about the Hackers getting into the operating system and disabling certain functions and enabling others to get it to work the way they want, this is exactly what an Open Source system allows one to do. One does not need to have a great deal of knowledge of programming to be able to manipulate the programme and also one does not need to worry about breaking any law by doing so. The inventors of the programme have given a basic programme along with the freehand to do whatever with it and make it work to your specific requirements. By freeware, we mean that the inventors who have created this programme do not want any money for it and it is free for anyone to download and use. Other terms in this context are the Shareware, this means that the programmer will only give you the software to use on a trial basis for a limited time so that you may evaluate it and see if it suits your needs or not. If it does, then after the trial period you may buy the full version thus avoiding any unnecessary cost that you could have incurred if it was not what you wanted. UNIX or LINUX which are both of similar nature though LINUX is the newer version, have another advantage in comparison to Windows and MAC in that, since these are Open source not many viruses or hackers try to disrupt it. However, UNIX is the main programme that hackers use to hack into either Windows or MAC since it allows you to work on the base level of the programme. UNIX also uses the TCP/IP protocol and thus one does not need to install other protocols to connect to the internet. Due to its popularity the LINUX has been taken by Sun Microsystems which is a major IT company based in Germany and they manufacture Sun computer systems. Sun computers use LINUX as their main operating system. When we run LINUX on a normal PC it is called referred to as a LINUX COMPARISON AT A GLANCE Windows MAC UNIX / LINUX  Popular around the world  Support is available even in remote areas Uses the same protocol that is used to communicate with the internet.  Is very prone to hackers and viruses thus the creators have to constantly develop patches to overcome the threats. Has more variety of programmes available as compared to other operating systems Is only popular in the America Has limited support around the world. Is more secure than Windows in that it is not prone to hackers and viruses.  Uses the protocol AppleTalk to communicate with other Apple computers but needs the TCP/IP to communicate with the internet.  It is freeware so anyone can use it free of cost.  It is an open source system allowing one to customise it to ones own needs and requirements without fear of any legal liability.  It uses the TCP/IP protocol to communicate thus is compliant with the internet.  Most internet servers still use UNIX as their main operating system
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Causes of BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill
Causes of BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill 1. Introduction The concept of effective leadership represents a theoretical framework to analyse the case study Deepwater Horizon Accident. The idea of an effective leader can be captured by the following basic principles: the leader must have a long term and strategic vision (what should be achieved? How should be achieved? Who should achieved an identified goal?). A leader should be focused on people. This implies the identification of instrumental goals, their effective communication, and human beings involvement. The involvement depends both on incentive system and involvement. effective leaders are increasingly characterised as being enablers  helping people and organisations to perform and develop. This implies that the leader has to achieve a sophisticated alignment between peoples needs and the aims of the organisation The leader needs to balance, reconcile and integrate opposite cultural values (Hofstede). The conflicting values and cultural differences emerges whenever a leader deals with stakeholders (consumers, environmental groups, trade unions). Hofestede (1978) identifies four dimension to analyse cultural value of nations. He describes the following elements: power distance individualism vs collectivism Masculinity vs. femininity Weak vs. strong uncertainty avoidance Long vs. short term orientation 2. The Case Study The Deepwater Horizon Accident was caused by the escape of hydrocarbons resulting in explosions and fire on the rig. At that time the social media emphasizes this accident not for the death of eleven people and the injured of seventh, but also in connection with main environmental damages (such as the rig sank and the continued flow of hydrocarbons from the reservoir). The following investigation reveal that: The team did not identify any single action or inaction that caused this accident. Rather, a complex and interlinked series of mechanical failures, human judgments, engineering design, operational implementation and team interfaces came together to allow the initiation and escalation of the accident. Multiple companies, work teams and circumstances were involved over time. ( BP 2010, 5) Thus, the problematic situation in Mexican Gulf seem to be generated by the leadership style, as they fail of focusing developing a clear vision and communication and exercising strong control to the organization. This statement represents a thought provoking situation in order to analyse the behaviour and leadership style of three leaders (Tony Hayward, Bob Dudley, Barack Obama) 2.1 Tony Hayward At the time of natural disaster Tony Hayward was the Chief executive of BP. In coherence with Hofstede (1978), he showed a short term vision in his communication activity. The Guardian (14 May 2010) indicate that the Chief executive declared: The Gulf of Mexico is a very big ocean. The amount of volume of oil and dispersant we are putting into it is tiny in relation to the total water volume. The same article report the emerging conflicts between BPs efforts (to contain the spill had succeeded in dispersing the oil and preventing large amounts reaching the shoreline around the Gulf) and the environmentalists concerns the unseen damage being done to marine life. Additionally, Tony Hayward admitted that BP had made mistakes in its early response to the crisis. It initially refused to compensate fishermen who were unable to produce written proof of their normal earnings. Instead, the main worry concerned share values and profit distribution. The leader also failed to deal with the stake holders revealing an individualistic approach and short term vision in firms management style. This aspect was also revealed by the weak safety policy adopted by the BP company. 2.2 Bob Dudley Following the criticism related to Tony Hayward, Bob Dudley was designated as the new Bp Chief Executive. Mr Dudley joined the board of BP before, as his most high-profile role was as the chief executive of BPs joint venture in Russia, exploiting oil fields in eastern Siberia. The BBC report (2010) reveals: Mr Dudley is widely respected within the company, and from a PR point of view, it might help that he is American, not British. BP has often been described as Public Enemy Number One in the US since the oil spill. Now that the company is to be run by an American, it could help it in its battle to rebuild its reputation in the US. In coherence with Hofestede (1978), this assumption underlines the implications of national distance on leadership recognition and recruitment. The Christian Science Monitor (2010) also reports BPs voice in America will no longer come with a British accent attached. The Christian Science Monitor (2010) also indicates: Hes been in the frying pan. Dudley is no stranger to tough situations. The oil business these days involves working in difficult terrain, whether thats in physical terms (a mile below the seas surface) or politically. His work has taken him to the South China Sea, Angola, Algeria, and Egypt. Hes been in the fire. He wont bring fresh eyes to the Gulf. Hes already been one of BPs point men there helping to orchestrate the failed top kill and other efforts to plug the wellhead leak. His new role simply formalizes something chairman Svanberg had already announced that Hayward would soon relinquish day-to-day management of the spill response. Hes has shown some care with words. This is important, because BP has both a public-image problem and legal challenges and those two things can tug a corporate spokesman in different ways. One calls for an air of forthrightness, the other for caution. In accordance with these empirical evidences a crisis management requires contingency theory can explain leadership style. In this situation there is a unique way to lead a company, but the optimal course of action depends upon the internal and external situation (Mintzberg, 1979). However, another criticism from Bob Dudley s leadership style related to high ethical and moral issues. This aspect emerges with his previous experiences in Russia area. 2.3 Barack Obama The new leader of US, Barack Obama has signalled the intention to assign criminal charges in the Gulf of Mexico oil spill disaster. Mr Obama said his government would do whatever it takes to clean up the oil, adding that BP was responsible and must pay. This approach can be equate the position of Obama to that of a leader of social justice. However, there some critical aspects: a. the social media describe that Obama was playing golf during the oil crises; b. the majority of Americans disapprove of how Mr Obama has managed the crisis; c. the Republicans accuse Mr Obama of exploiting the crisis for his own political gain. Were dealing with a massive and potentially unprecedented environmental disaster. The oil that is still leaking from the well could seriously damage the economy and the environment of our Gulf states. And it could extend for a long time. It could jeopardise the livelihoods of thousands of Americans who call this place home. , pledging to bring those responsible to justice if laws were broken. President Barack Obama sharpened his criticism of BP Plc and pressed the energy giant to halt the oil gushing from its ruptured well. President Barack Obama has been criticised for playing golf while the BP oil spill disaster continues Barack Obama has been criticised for continuing to play golf while oil spills into the Gulf of Mexico. He has played at least seven times since the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded on April 20, creating Americas biggest environmental disaster. Having already racked up 39 games since taking office, Mr Obama is approaching the record as the U.S. President spending the most time on the golf course. Republican Party chairman Michael Steele has called on the President to stop playing until the oil leak has been curbed. Steele said Speaking in Louisiana,. He said the focus was now on preventing any further damage to the Gulf coast. BP says it will be at least a week before temporary measures to stem the leak are in place. But it could take up to three months to drill relief wells that could fully contain the spillage, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar warned on Sunday. The Deepwater Horizon rig, which was carrying out work on behalf of BP, sank on 22 April, two days after a huge explosion that killed 11 workers. Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal has warned the spill threatens the way of life in his state. Mr Obama flew to Louisiana on Sunday to see for himself the damage. Speaking in the town of Venice, he said: Were dealing with a massive and potentially unprecedented environmental disaster. The oil that is still leaking from the well could seriously damage the economy and the environment of our Gulf states. And it could extend for a long time. It could jeopardise the livelihoods of thousands of Americans who call this place home. Presidents use Oval Office addresses for what they regard as vital national issues. The speech came as opinion polls suggest a majority of Americans disapprove of how Mr Obama has handled the crisis the worst environmental disaster in US history. The Republicans were quick to criticise the address, with party chairman Michael Steele accusing Mr Obama of exploiting the crisis for his own political gain. on US politicians Obama Barack, with assumption rather then emphasis on logical argument by ..the accident failure was systematic in actually fact was caused by human errs, rapidly become clear that there was not much effort have put in place. Unfortunately for those undergoing pain in the gulf seems to be that the process does not include process urgency . it could well prove that the democratic leadership need to make clear their accountability for decisions .A majority problem with democratic leader styles is the senior managers are willing to give up the power, means the workplace are complex and highly contested issue in which makes democratic approaches to leadership extremely problematic. We have an obligation to investigate what went wrong and to determine what reforms are needed so that we never have to experience a crisis like this again, said Mr Obama. If the laws on our books are insufficient to prevent such a spill, the laws must change. If oversight was inadequate to enforce these laws, oversight has to be reformed. If our laws were broken, leading to this death and destruction, my solemn pledge is that we will bring those responsible to justice on behalf of the victims of this catastrophe and the people of the Gulf region. , and US president BP has servel Chief Executive, but they did not be able to demonstrate and contribute to the problem solve and produce a desired results. In 2007 it was indruce to the company a new leader tony haywood in a which took a place of browne, haywood had the necessary ability and knowledge to drive to company to success. Great leader are made not born. The satisfaction of employees and communication was effective .indeed his inspiration been put in place and focus in companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ number of research show that Haywood are high onà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.and less demand the actually factors more specific was in leaders behaviour charateristic . The leader has such difficulty In focus on systems maintenances, and meet the work criteria in which cause numbers of castrophry, disaster and left eleven people without live. Unwillingness in leaders is composed of negative associate with productivity subordinate. The factors analysis produced two understandably behaviour dimensions, and differences in these behaviours associate to effectiveness. One series of studies has collect date, however, according to theory enhance a subordinate perception of a link between the effort and outcomes. The leadership styles did not providing opportunities for consultation special managers and (staff in this system management) the relationship between leader and mangers wasnt based on trust, seemed forgotten to inspire their subordinates to do thing behind the capabilities, the key issue of these..were in communication and make the vision affect. The direct in charge of oil in gulf in clean BOB Dudley in which has been working in the field for such long but not long ago enjoy working for BP with position of managing, direct point out that tony has genuine differences, he moved a company forward also mention that theres not suggestion that he acted improperly without knowledge that organization will face problem in the future history. In reality, it damage not just the company BP but also have server impact environmental crises, to the tourism, hospitals and industry wildlifeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. In short time James lee and the new Chief Executive managed to clean the oil after eight seven days. But still evidence that the new cap place stemming of the oil flow the incident comes to attention the interesting styles and chacteristics come from Some studies have shown that Compare with tony which fail to set higer but reasonable standard and demand so that the other accept their responsibilities .. It can been seen neither of them connect between effort and outcomes, its admitted thatà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ It can been see the failures are result of the dark side of charismatic leadership distinction between managers and leader when Bob Dudley Another criticism from Bob Dudley à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. high ethical and moral standards. Seems be to that the leader was not able to perform is fuction Feishman by harris 1969 The accident occurred on 20th April 2010 it was due to maintains Jon Swaine and Robert winnett 05 june 2010 Bernard L. Weinstein Tom Talk Friday jully 2010 the Washington times . Bob Dudley Bob Dudley managing to How long did it take to clean up? Have been emerged that Mark Langford Tuesday july 27 à ¯Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ · The Guardian, Friday 14 May 2010 Barack Obamal Why did tony haywood tried to resign The fact he has been threet also the shareholder called to instant communication and intense competitive pressure, good, Conclusion The investigation have been done theres not a such evidence such intent in which require court order, it conduct to a conclusion available or clear According to result suggest that the actually leadership was, While some leaders use à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦constructively others destrying them, according to research the leader or organization wasnt a strong culture otherwise would not exist at all the other way around better even excellent company performe, the commit to met a positive response but the result was castrophry Now Bob Dudley is a new which guarantee BP have that will do a better job?
gideon Essay -- essays papers
gideon Gideon v. Wainwright What most people don't know is that in the past those arrested for a crime did not really have "the right to an attorney" unless they had money. This became a right because Clarence Gideon, a prison inmate who did not have the money for a lawyer, took a pencil in his hand and wrote his own petition to the United States Supreme Court. Clarence Gideon, without a lawyer, took his case to the highest court in the country and won important rights for all of us. In 1961, Clarence Gideon was arrested in Florida on a charge of breaking and entering into a pool hall. Gideon was a likely suspect for the police to arrest: he was a 51-year old drifter who had been in and out of jail many times since he ran away from home to be a â€Å"hobo†at age 16. Although he barely finished the eighth-grade, when Gideon was arrested he knew two things: one of which was that he had not committed this crime and the second is he would not have a chance to convince a jury that he was not guilty if he did not have a lawyer. Because Gideon could not afford a lawyer, he asked a judge to appoint a lawyer to represent him. The judge refused and Gideon was convicted. He was sentenced to five years in jail, which gave him a lot of time on his hands. He put that time to good use. First, he filed a petition before the Florida Supreme Court. The petition was denied. So then he decided to file a petition in the U.S. Supreme Court arguing that putting him on trial without a lawyer was...
Monday, August 19, 2019
Stage Directions for Act I Scene iii in The Merchant of Venice :: Free Merchant of Venice Essays
Essay Instructions: Choose a speech or dialogue that interests you. You are going to write an essay from the director’s point of view including ‘pointers’ to the actors. Act I - Scene iii (p25-26) Hello actors, as you know, I shall be your director for a part of Act I - Scene iii. This dialogue is played by Shylock and Antonio. I intend to give you both specific stage directions on where you must stand, who you should look at and how you should act. To start with you Antonio, when you pronounce your first line, I would like you to place your hand upon Shylock’s shoulder while you look at him. Your second hand is to be held to the side with your palm facing up as if you were to shrug your shoulders. A slight pause after ‘Shylock’ would sound good with a questioning tone of voice for the rest of the sentence. You need to sound as if you really desire the money from Shylock and that he is your last hope for your best friend’s contentment in the future with his dearest Portia. Shylock should appear hesitant and exasperated as if he was opposed to lending him the money. He must also be thinking about a way in which Antonio could suffer the consequences if the bond isn’t repaid. During the long retort I would like you, Shylock, to add many pauses, more or less long after the commas and other sorts of punctuation marks. From ‘Signior Antonio’ to ‘our tribe’, you should have a calm voice with a minor impression of irritation. You must look at Antonio as you address him but then look away while walking around the stage and looking occasionally at the audience. I require hand gestures such as indicating yourself, rubbing your thumb and middle finger to indicate money, shrugging your shoulders et cetera. For the last line of this section, you are trying to create self-pity hence it would be appropriate if you use a melancholy and moving attitude and soft voice. Shylock, in this next sentence, you should gradually increase the volume and intensity put in the words. You have to accentuate the main words to emphasise his deep anger and hatred Shylock has towards Antonio.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Socialist Utopia In Nineteen E :: essays research papers
Eric Blair, known to his readers under the English pen name of George Orwell (1903-1950), was a man familiar with the roles of government. He served with the British government in Burma under the Indian Imperial Police. Returning to his European roots, Orwell also sided with the Spanish government as he fought with the Loyalists in their civil war. It wasn't until he wrote professionally as a political writer that Orwell's ideas of government were fully expressed. Orwell, in his political writings, was extremely contradictory. He was a critic of communism, yet he also considered himself a Socialist. He had hatred toward intellectuals, but he too was a political writer. It is only natural that a man of paradoxes would write of them. In his novel Nineteen Eighty-Four, George Orwell develops his Socialist Utopia as a paradoxical society that ultimately succeeds rather than flounders.      The society that Orwell creates is full of paradoxes that existed all the way up to its origins. The founders of the new lifestyle, known as the revolutionaries of the mid-twentieth century, leads the public to believe false intentions of revolt, as these purposes soon become exact opposite outcomes. The original designers seek to create an ideal social order out of England that is beneficial to all. Marin Kessler, a literary essayist, agrees that these 'utopians…had hoped to construct a perfect society in which men and women could enjoy that ultimate degree of happiness which, it was implied denied through the folly and wickedness of their present rulers'; (304). Besides being founded on the concept of a Utopia, the revolutionaries believe they could achieve their goals through Ingsoc, a variation on English socialism (named justly). The main concept of socialism is its stress on social equality, so much that the government distributes any possessions equal ly. In reality, this policy sought to destroy individual property, instead emphasizing collective property, owned by the government for the ultimate purpose of equality. Socialism is also often considered the politics of the working class and lower rà ©gime, since they actually benefited from it. Although the founders claim to create a socialist Utopia with its respective freedoms, the society of Oceania they create is exactly the opposite of their original principles. O'Brien, a major contributor to the government organization known as the Party, describes the contradictory characteristics of the world power of Oceania, 'Do you begin to see then, what kind of world we are creating?
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Deception Point Page 5
Rachel nodded. She was both. Four minutes later, Rachel Sexton exited the NRO and climbed into the waiting helicopter. Before she had even buckled herself in, the craft was airborne, banking hard across the Virginia woods. Rachel gazed out at the blur of trees beneath her and felt her pulse rising. It would have risen faster had she known this chopper would never reach the White House. 5 The frigid wind battered the fabric of the ThermaTech tent, but Delta-One hardly noticed. He and Delta-Three were focused on their comrade, who was manipulating the joystick in his hand with surgical dexterity. The screen before them displayed a live video transmission from a pinpoint camera mounted aboard the microrobot. The ultimate surveillance tool, Delta-One thought, still amazed every time they powered it up. Lately, in the world of micromechanics, fact seemed to be out-pacing fiction. Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) – microbots – were the newest tool in high-tech surveillance – â€Å"fly on the wall technology,†they called it. Literally. Although microscopic, remote-controlled robots sounded like science fiction, in fact they had been around since the 1990s. Discovery magazine had run a cover story in May 1997 on microbots, featuring both â€Å"flying†and â€Å"swimming†models. The swimmers – nanosubs the size of salt grains – could be injected into the human bloodstream a la the movie Fantastic Voyage. They were now being used by advanced medical facilities to help doctors navigate arteries by remote control, observe live intravenous video transmissions, and locate arterial blockages without ever lifting a scalpel. Contrary to intuition, building a flying microbot was even simpler business. The aerodynamics technology for getting a machine to fly had been around since Kitty Hawk, and all that remained had been the issue of miniaturization. The first flying microbots, designed by NASA as unmanned exploration tools for future Mars missions, had been several inches long. Now, however, advances in nanotechnology, lightweight energy-absorbent materials, and micromechanics had made the flying microbots a reality. The true breakthrough had come from the new field biomimics – copying Mother Nature. Miniature dragonflies, as it turned out, were the ideal prototype for these agile and efficient flying microbots. The PH2 model Delta-Two was currently flying was only one centimeter long – the size of a mosquito – and employed a dual pair of transparent, hinged, silicon-leaf wings, giving it unparalleled mobility and efficiency in the air. The microbot's refueling mechanism had been another breakthrough. The first microbot prototypes could only recharge their energy cells by hovering directly beneath a bright light source, not ideal for stealth or use in dark locales. The newer prototypes, however, could recharge simply by parking within a few inches of a magnetic field. Conveniently, in modern society, magnetic fields were ubiquitous and discreetly placed – power outlets, computer monitors, electric motors, audio speakers, cellphones – it seemed there was never any shortage of obscure recharging stations. Once a microbot had been introduced successfully into a locale, it could transmit audio and video almost indefinitely. The Delta Force's PH2 had been transmitting for over a week now with no trouble whatsoever. Now, like an insect hovering inside a cavernous barn, the airborne microbot hung silently in the still air of the structure's massive central room. With a bird's-eye view of the space below, the microbot circled silently above unsuspecting occupants – technicians, scientists, specialists in numerous fields of study. As the PH2 circled, Delta-One spotted two familiar faces engaged in conversation. They would be a telling mark. He told Delta-Two to drop down and have a listen. Manipulating the controls, Delta-Two switched on the robot's sound sensors, oriented the microbot's parabolic amplifier, and decreased the robot's elevation until it was ten feet over the scientists' heads. The transmission was faint, but discernible. â€Å"I still can't believe it,†one scientist was saying. The excitement in his voice had not diminished since his arrival here forty-eight hours ago. The man with whom he was talking obviously shared the enthusiasm. â€Å"In your lifetime†¦ did you ever think you would witness anything like this?†â€Å"Never,†the scientist replied, beaming. â€Å"It's all a magnificent dream.†Delta-One had heard enough. Clearly everything inside was proceeding as expected. Delta-Two maneuvered the microbot away from the conversation and flew it back to its hiding place. He parked the tiny device undetected near the cylinder of an electric generator. The PH2's power cells immediately began recharging for the next mission. 6 Rachel Sexton's thoughts were lost in the morning's bizarre developments as her PaveHawk transport tore across the morning sky, and it was not until the helicopter rocketed out across Chesapeake Bay that she realized they were heading in entirely the wrong direction. The initial flash of confusion instantly gave way to trepidation. â€Å"Hey!†she yelled to the pilot. â€Å"What are you doing?†Her voice was barely audible over the rotors. â€Å"You're supposed to be taking me to the White House!†The pilot shook his head. â€Å"Sorry, ma'am. The President is not at the White House this morning.†Rachel tried to remember if Pickering had specifically mentioned the White House or whether she had simply assumed. â€Å"So where is the President?†â€Å"Your meeting with him is elsewhere.†No shit. â€Å"Where elsewhere?†â€Å"Not far now.†â€Å"That's not what I asked.†â€Å"Sixteen more miles.†Rachel scowled at him. This guy should be a politician. â€Å"Do you dodge bullets as well as you dodge questions?†The pilot did not answer. It took less than seven minutes for the chopper to cross the Chesapeake. When land was in sight again, the pilot banked north and skirted a narrow peninsula, where Rachel saw a series of runways and military-looking buildings. The pilot dropped down toward them, and Rachel then realized what this place was. The six launchpads and charred rocket towers were a good clue, but if that was not enough, the roof of one of the buildings had been painted with two enormous words: WALLOPS ISLAND. Wallops Island was one of NASA's oldest launch sites. Still used today for satellite launches and testing of experimental aircraft, Wallops was NASA's base away from the spotlight. The President is at Wallops Island? It made no sense. The chopper pilot aligned his trajectory with a series of three runways that ran the length of the narrow peninsula. They seemed to be heading for the far end of the center runway. The pilot began to slow. â€Å"You will be meeting the President in his office.†Rachel turned, wondering if the guy was joking. â€Å"The President of the United States has an office on Wallops Island?†The pilot looked dead serious. â€Å"The President of the United States has an office wherever he likes, ma'am.†He pointed toward the end of the runway. Rachel saw the mammoth shape glistening in the distance, and her heart almost stopped. Even at three hundred yards, she recognized the light blue hull of the modified 747. â€Å"I'm meeting him aboard the†¦ â€Å" â€Å"Yes, ma'am. His home away from home.†Rachel stared out at the massive aircraft. The military's cryptic designation for this prestigious plane was VC-25-A, although the rest of the world knew it by another name: Air Force One. â€Å"Looks like you're in the new one this morning,†the pilot said, motioning to the numbers on the plane's tail fin. Rachel nodded blankly. Few Americans knew that there were actually two Air Force Ones in service – a pair of identical, specially configured 747-200-Bs, one with the tail number 28000 and the other 29000. Both planes had cruising speeds of 600 mph and had been modified for in-flight refueling, giving them virtually unlimited range.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Professional Development Essay
Nurses are the largest work force in the healthcare industry. The increasing demands for nurses opt to increase the quality of care given by these nurses. The Institute of Medicine (IOM, 2010) states that patients â€Å"deserve the care that centered on their unique needs and not what is most convenient for the health care professionals†. Nursing practice has changed significantly since the beginning of the profession secondary to increased demand for high quality care given and for the safety of the nurses and the patients. In order to overcome these challenges the Institute of Medicine (IOM) created a report that served as a foundation for the future and advancement of nursing. IOM reported that, â€Å"Nurses have the opportunity to play a central role in transforming the healthcare system to create a more accessible, high quality, and value-driven environment for patients†. (Institute of Medicine [IOM], 2010, pg. 85) The IOM report, †The Future of Nursing: Lead ing Change, Advancing Health†, emphasized on different topics with regards to the future of nursing especially the importance of nursing education, nursing practice and the roles of nurses as a leader in the healthcare system. The goal of nursing education is for the nurses to be prepared to face the increasing needs of a diverse population of patients and to deliver a safe and quality patient care. In addition, the transformation of nursing education is encouraged to prepare new nurses to work hand in hand with other healthcare professionals in different settings. These changes are needed because of technological advancements, older patient population and increasing complexity of the patient conditions. Care in the acute care setting and outside the hospital has become more complex as well. Nurses have to be trained on flexibility and ability to take in more roles than what is expected when they graduate nursing. With this note, advancement in the education curriculum and changes are needed to compensate for these demands. Nurses should be able to have evidence-based practice care, collaborative skills with other professionals, be proficient with the new technologies and even more skilled on the acute and chronic healthcare settings. Most hospitals are teaching hospitals and require more BSN graduate nurses in their workforce. The IOM has a view to increase BSN nurses working in hospitals from 50% to 100%. In spite of this view, IOM set a goal of having BSN nursing percentage of 80% by 2020. This is â€Å"necessary to move the nursing workforce to an expanded set of competencies, especially in the domains of community and public health, leadership, systems improvement and change, research and health policy†. (IOM, 2010, pg. 173) In addition, having a BSN degree is a good foundation for nurses to advance to a higher education, APRNs and Doctorate levels, that will in turn advance nurses to research, faculty nurses to teach future nurses, ability to participate in creating healthcare policies and leadership roles. IOM also encourages having bridge programs from RN to BSN and having a residency program that will allow nurses to gain more skills, experience and knowledge and alleviate the stress around new nurses that are being thrown out of the real world without enough exposure and understanding of the profession. There are plenty of barriers in accomplishing these goals but with proper incentives, motivation and encouragement that are given to nurses, it is not impossible to have a better future in nursing education and have more educated and advanced nursing workforce in our society today. IOM also emphasized the importance of advancing the nursing practice to the community and not just concentrate in the acute care setting due to the increasing needs of the population and changes in the healthcare system. The outdated policies governing nursing scope of practice is a hindrance to the advancement of nursing practice and because of this patients are limited to access a better quality of care. IOM stressed on their report that a necessary alteration in nursing practice is needed to provide patient-centered care; deliver more primary as opposed to specialty care; deliver more care in the community rather than the acute care setting; provide seamless care; enable all health professionals to practice to the full extent of their education, training, and competencies; and foster inter-professional collaboration. (IOM, 2010, pg. 86-87) Nurses are encouraged to pursue their education to Advanced Practical Registered Nurses (APRN) due to a shortage of primary care professionals in the acute and mainly in the community healthcare setting. APRNs are knowledgeable, well trained and proficient enough to provide safe and high quality of care without the supervision of a primary doctor. IOM believes that changes in the regulations and expanding the scope of practice of nurses and of APRNs are necessary so that they can have the ability to practice and make decisions more independently. â€Å"The committee believes all health professionals should practice to the full extent of their education and training so that more patients may benefit†. (IOM, 2010, pg. 96) Again having bridge programs and residency programs for new nurses will help with the advancement of nursing practice. Redefining the roles and extending the scope of nursing practice is highly recommended by the IOM for the future of the nursing profession and to keep up with the evolution of the healthcare environment. Another vision that the IOM has is nurses as leaders in healthcare. It is time for nurses to move forward from bedside roles and start being active as leaders and partners with other healthcare professionals in delivering high quality care to patients. Together with the changes of nursing education and nursing practice, nurses as leaders are required to finally reach the goal of an advanced healthcare system. IOM’s vision â€Å"specifically challenges nurses to demonstrate full partnership with physicians and other healthcare professionals in redesigning U.S healthcare.†(Porer-O’Grady, 2011, pg. 33) in addition the IOM â€Å"report suggests that the nursing profession must produce leaders at every level of the system and accept key leadership positions in policy, politics, organizations, and practice.†(Porer-O’Grady, 2011, pg. 33) Today’s advancements in technology, nurses have an important role in research and they assist in developing evidence-based practice care to maintain safety. Nurses are the main caregivers and they understand very well the healthcare process. Nurses also play a vital role in delivering quality patient care through facilitation, coordination and making sure everything is at ease. So it is imperative that nurses be involved in policy making and provide strategies to improve care delivery and ensure quality care. With these expectations put into nurses, it is every nurse’s responsibility to advance in their career, through education, be very well rounded with competencies and be active partners and be future leaders in the healthcare system. In conclusion, IOM has a very broad insight and goals with regards to the future of nursing. In order to achieve these goals, the importance of advancing nursing education and practice are emphasized as well as having more nursing leaders in the healthcare system. Having more BSN graduate nurses in the acute care settings and having more APRNs extending their services to the community is going to facilitate the advancement that the IOM views. Changing policies and extending the scope of practice for nurses to avoid limiting their abilities to practice and taking advantage of the nurse’s full capabilities is another goal that the IOM envisions. Lastly, nurses are seen more involved as leaders for a successful reform and in turn provide a better quality and safe care to patients. References Porer-O’Grady, T. (2011). Future of Nursing Special:Leadership at All Levels. Nursing Management, 32-37. Retrieved from The future of nursing: leading change, advancing health. (2010). Washington, D.C.: The National Academies Press. Retrieved from
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Income Poverty
The World Bank just updated its estimates of the number of people living in poverty to 1996 and 1998, using 1993 Purchasing Power Parities (PPP) and household survey data (see Table 1 and Table 2). The figures for 1998 are preliminary estimates, based on the most recent survey data available (only a few surveys are available for 1997 and 1998) and actual or estimated growth rates in real private consumption per capita; they will be firmed up as new survey data become available. What story do the new figures tell? First, both the share of opulation and the number of people living on less than a dollar a day declined substantially in the mid-1990s, after increasing in the early 1990s. The same is true for those living below two dollars a day. But the numbers rose again in the aftermath of the global financial crisis. The declines in the numbers are almost exclusively due to a reduction in the number of poor people in East Asia, most notably in China. But progress was partly reversed by the crisis, and stalled in China. In South Asia, the incidence of poverty (the share of the population living in poverty) did ecline moderately through the 1990s but not sufficiently to reduce the absolute number of poor. The actual number of poor people in the region has been rising steadily since 1987. In Africa, the share declined and the numbers increased as well. The new estimates indicate that Africa is now the region with the largest share of people living below $1/day. In Latin America the share of poor people remained roughly constant over the period, and the numbers increased. In the countries of the former Soviet bloc, poverty rose markedly-both the share and the numbers increased.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
The Use Of Intravenous Urography Health And Social Care Essay
Radiography scrutiny of urinary piece of land via endovenous injection of contrast media ( giving liquid substances straight into a vena ) .This construction became as a flow or urination.This flow did n't demo a clear image in a general x-ray.Although, with endovenous urography process, contrast media is injected into vena ( endovenous injection ) . Intravenous urography will finish information all about kidney disease, ureter and chafe bladder.This process consists of two phase.First, it needs good functional of kidney to filtrate dye comes out from blood to urine.Time that needed for dye to be on X ray is related with kidney function.Second stage gives anatomical image of urination piece of land. Between foremost proceedingss, the dye will give clear image of kidney, stage that called as nephrogram.The other image will follow dye that passes down to the ureter and saddle sore bladder.The last movie is taken after urine comes out will demo how the saddle sore vesica is emptied well.Intravenous urography by and large undergoes for valuate the abnormalcy construction or obstructor of the micturition piece of land.INTRAVENOUS UROGRAPHY HELPS IN THE PROBLEMSKdney rocks in the kidney ( a rock in kidney or ureter will be shown clearly on the x-ray movie ) , Urine infection ( if patient has infection at the vesica or kidney, endovenous urography helps to happen if patients has obstructor or unnatural kidney ) , haematuria / hemorrhage in piss ( it is caused by infections, annoyance and tumour in kidney.with endovenous urography, it can assist to happen the cause ) , obstructor or amendss at any portion at urination piece of land can be seen by endovenous urography.Contrast MEDIAHigh- osmolality contrast media ( HOCM ) or low-osmolality contrast media ( LOCM ) are acceptable but the undermentioned ‘high hazard ‘ groups should have LOCM such as babies and little kids and the aged, those with nephritic and / or cardiac failure, ill hydrated patients, patients with diabetes, myelomatosis or sickle-cell anemia, patients who have had a old terrible contrast medium reaction with LOCM or those with a strong allergic history.ADULTS DOSE50 milliliter.PAEDIATRIC DOSE1 ml kgE†°? .PATIENT PREPARATIONNo nutrient for 5 hours prior to the examination.The patient should non be overhydrated but should be usually hydrated.Dehydration is non necessary and does non better image quality.Patients should be, sooner, be ambulatory for 2 hr prior to the scrutiny to cut down intestine gas.The everyday disposal of bowel readying fails to better diagnostic quality of the scrutiny and its usage makes the scrutiny and its usage makes the scrutiny more unpleasant for the pati ent, others claim there is no grounds this is advantageous. The patient should avoid the heavy repast prior to the scrutiny to cut down the sum of intestine gas, and the vesica should be empty.If the scrutiny is to be performed on a patient who has antecedently had a terrible contrast medium reaction, consideration should be given to administrating methyl Pediapred 32 milligram orally 12 and 2 hr prior to injection of contrast medium inaddition to guaranting that a LOCM is used Preliminary radiogram should be taken to show possible calcifications, concretions or other abnormalcies in the venters to happen the place of the kidneys, and to look into the technique factors.Preparation BEFORE INTRAVENOUS UROGRAPHY EXAMINATIONThe kidney should can be filter the contrast.For that, it is rare to make if the patient has unfunctional kidney.Before the process, the patient needs to undergoes blood trial to do certain the kidney is good function.The patient should inform the physician if there are any allergic reaction, prior to the contrast media likes iodine.The patient informed that do non devour any heavy repast certain hours before the procedure.This is to do certain, the patient ‘s colon is free from nutrients that can do the image became clear .The patient will be given laxatives ( dulcolax / heavy doses causes painful cramps ) before the procedure.the intent is to clean the intestine that can do the x-ray image more clear.The patient will besides be given the informed consent for patient understand about the procedure.If patient has diabetes and takes Glucophage, the patient should halt takes the pills for two yearss before the examination.This is caused by the combination of Glucophage and contrast media that maybe gives side effects to the kidney.AFTER THE PROCEDUREAfter the endovenous urography process, the physician will name the movies discourse how to do colony with the patient and family.As an illustration, the physician can non see both of the kidney x-ray image clearly after four hours, the patient should let them to see for the following process. There are many causes of the obstructors is kidney stones.the other causes are mass, tumour or malignant neoplastic disease at the tissue near the ureter.Sometimes, the hemorrhage in kidney can do blood coagulum that cause obstructor of micturition from gall vesica and ureter. See of this scrutiny, the physician will do two actions ; either waiting for yearss for the rocks pass out in urine or refer to the specializer of the Urology that maestro in micturition disease.If the endovenous urography shown the obstructor of big rock in the upper or in-between portion of ureter, the urologist possibly used lithotripter machine that send sound moving ridges to interrupt rocks to little atoms that can go through through the ureter easy and comes out from organic structure via piss.PRELIMINARY FILMSupine, full length AP of the venters, in inspiration.The lower boundary line of the cassette is at the degree of the symphysis pubic bone and x-ray beam is centred in the mid-line at the degree of the iliac crests.TechniqueThe average antecubital vena is the preferable injection site because flow is retarded in the cephalic vena as it pierces the clavipectoral fascia.A 19-G is advanced up the vena to cut down the hazard of a perivenous injection and the injection is give n quickly as a bolus to maximise the denseness of the nephrogram.Upper arm or shoulder hurting may be due to stasis of contrast medium in the vein.This is relieved by abduction of the arm. The patient is undress ( have oning infirmary gown ) and lying on the x-ray table.The contrast media is injected into venas or the arm.Ptient possibly feels pain.The contrast media is filtered via kidney and to ureter.The uninterrupted x-ray image is taken at the venters, normally every five proceedingss to ten proceedingss. Patient is lying on the x-ray tabular array when the x-ray image is taken but, the patient will teach to travel to the lavatory for micturution before the last x-ray image is taken.Although, a few x-ray image is taken for hours before the examinationin certain conditions.Patient can endorse place after the process is done.Patient can devour normal repast after the scrutiny.MoviesIMMEDIATE FILMAnteroposterior ( AP ) renal areas.This movies is exposed 10-14 seconds after the injection ( arm-to-kidney clip ) .Its purposes to demo the nephrogram, as an illustration the nephritic parenchyma opacified by contrast mediain the nephritic tubules.5-MINUTES FILMAP nephritic areas.This movie is taken to find if eliminations is symmetrical and is priceless for measuring the demand to modify technique, as an examplea farther injections of contrast media if there has been hapless initial opacification. A compaction set is now applied around the patient ‘s venters and the balloon positioned halfway between the anterior superior iliac spinal columns, as an illustration exactly over the ureters as they cross the pelvic brim.The purpose is to bring forth better pelvicalyceal distension.Compression is contraindicated after recent abdominal surgery, after nephritic injury, if there is a big abdominal mass and when the 5-minutes movie shows already distended calyces.15-MINUTES FILMAp of nephritic areas.There is normally equal distention of the pelvicalyceal systems with opaque piss by this time.Compression is releasd when satisfactory presentation of the pelvicalyceal systems has been achieved.RELEASE FILMSupine AP abdomen.This movie is taken to demo the whole urinary tract.If this movie is satisfactory, the patient is asked to empty their vesica.AFTER MICTURITION FILMBased on the clinical findings and the radiological findings on the earlier movies, this will be either a full-lengt h abdominal movie or a coned position of the vesica with the tubing angled 15 & A ; deg ; caudad and centred 5cm above the symphysis pubic bone. The chief value of this movie is to measure vesica voidance, to show a return to normal of dilated upper piece of lands with alleviation of vesica force per unit area, to help the diagnosing of vesica tumours, to corroborate ureterovesical junction concretion and, uncommonly, to show a urethral diverticulum in females.RISKS AND SIDE EFEECTSThere are small opportunities to acquire malignant neoplastic disease from radiation exposure.Radiation dosage that effectual from this process this is 3msv, same like people who are got the radiation in one year.Contrast media that is used in endovenous urography can do to irritation reaction to patients, sometimes it need medical treatment.Pregnant adult female should inform physician or radiographer if they are pregnant. Small per centum of patient that got serious allergic reaction to contrast media, like unable to talk, breath or sup, swollen at lips and lingua, low blood force per unit area or faint.During the contrast media is injected, patient feels hot.This allergic reaction to contrast media is rare to happen.The effects is inflammation of the tegument, annoyance and conceited lips, The serious effects is hard in take a breathing and swoon cause of the low blood force per unit area.DecisionRadiographer demand to hold a high grade of cognition, accomplishment, consciousness and involvement in this field so that they can carry through their day-to-day responsibilities efficaciously without seting patients life in danger.Contrast media is used in endovenous urography so that there are opaque or white countries at the kidney construction, ureter and vesica and this aid in better more clear x-ray image.Intavenous urography is an x-ray process that is used to name kidney jobs, ureter, vesica and ure thra tract.This construction became it as micturition tract.The urination piece of land did n't demo clear image in general x-ray image. Although, with endovenous uroraphy, contrast media is injected into the vien ( endovenous is the giving of liquid substances straight into a vena ) that focused at kidney and comes out through the ureter as urine.Contrast media will be opaque to the x-ray.So, the kidney, ureter and vesica will shown as white or opaque countries in x-ray image.X -ray image that green goods is known as endovenous urography.
Supply chain management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Supply chain management - Essay Example Businesses make plans based on the time it takes to ship or airfreight goods from one place to the next. The time it takes from order to delivery is factored into the lead time and in arriving at a re-order level for inventory supplies. Some firms do not have enough warehouse space to store goods and so they depend on the goods to come when they are needed by the customer. Tang (2006) indicates that systems such as reducing the supply base, just-in-time (JIT) and vendor managed inventory, and outsourced manufacturing are some of the supply chain initiatives that have been used to increase revenue and reduce assets. However, Tang (2006) also indicates that although these are great initiatives in a stable environment they have created longer and more complex global supply chains which increase their vulnerability to disruptions. Although, the implementation of such systems are represents measures that firms employ in their attempt to become cost effective and therefore competitive. How ever, Lee (2004) indicates that there is generally a very large hidden cost which accompanies cost efficiency measures when disruptions occur. Therefore, cost efficiency needs to be balanced with agility, adaptability, and alignment. Lee (2004) also indicates that the objective of agility is to respond to changes in demand and supply that occur in the short term expeditiously; in the case of adaptability it is to make the necessary adjustment to the design of supply chains in order to accommodate changes in the market; and in terms of alignment, seek to improve the performance of supply chains by establishing incentives in order to motivate partners. Lee (2004) also suggests methods that can be used to achieve these objectives. When these disruptions take place there is loss of revenue as firms often run out of supplies. In the case where the supplies are finished goods it means that customers will be inconvenienced. This inconvenience is even greater when there is no other source o f supply. If the goods are raw materials it means that production may have to be halted until a new supplier is found or until the supplies of goods arrive. Therefore, customers will also have to wait longer before their demands can be satisfied. Firms also face increasing costs because of the fact that when supplies have to be sourced temporarily to fill demand it usually comes at a higher price than normal. While this is taking place permanent employees have to be paid even if they have nothing to work with. In most cases workers who are employed temporarily are laid off until things return to normal. Though the firm may be able to charge the customer based on the increased price, it is not normally possible especially when the price was already quoted. Additionally, increasing the price may result in the loss of customers. There may also be issues relating to reliability as customers do not expect firms to run out of stock without giving due notice. If the customer is dependent o n only one supplier then this will definitely have a negative impact resulting in a total loss of business from specific customers or a partial loss of business. This partial loss or reduction in demand from specific customers may result from their (the customers) application of various strategies to prevent any reoccurrence of this type of scenario. Therefore, instead of using one supplier the
Tuesday, August 13, 2019
Social Aspect of Music in Ottoman Empire Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Social Aspect of Music in Ottoman Empire - Essay Example Over the recent times, the Empire has been using other instruments like kemence bowed fiddle, kanun plucked zither, ney end-blown flute, violin, kadum drum among others. The main types of music genres found in Ottoman Empire include spiritual songs, fasil music and other improvised genres like gazel, kaside, durak among others. Fasil music was more secular than the others (Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Republic of Turkey, 2002). One of the interesting parts of the music found in Ottoman Empire is its social aspect. Like in many other ancient Empires, music in Ottoman Empire was an important part of social life. According to Bartok and Suchoff (1976), the Ottoman artistic music addressed many themes like love, military, religion and war. Ottoman teaching has an extensive and varied system of scales or modes called makams. In sufi teaching, every makam represents and conveys a specific psychological state. This means that the Ottomans use instruments and pieces of vocal music pieces to cure some medical and psychological conditions. Metin (1998) states that in the Ottoman Empire, music was used for the treatment of mental illness. In this way, it was used to restore sanity and hence maintain healthy socialisations in the Empire. Like most of the fine arts, the Ottoman music was oriented towards entertainment. ... An example of this was seen in the sultan’s processions, for example the Sultan Murad III procesion. This procession comprised of Sultan Murad III on horseback followed by two dancers and a jester who was normally accompanied by a stringed instrument. At the back, there was a mounted mehter band. Music and dance was also used to enhance the prominence of the upper class and high-ranking people in the Ottoman society. Metin (1998), states that apart from royal processions, music and dance prominently figured in the processions of Ottoman’s tradesmen and this could last for hours. Such musical processions were also used to welcome back Ottoman ambassadors who had been serving in some countries like Paris or Vienna. These ambassadors would enter the city with a huge procession which included a sizeable mehter band riding on horses. These scenes were so magnificent that that the courtiers and the public watching would be deeply stirred. In the Ottoman Empire, music accompan iments were very important for art dances performed by women as well as men dressed in women attire. In these performances, dance and dance were greatly intertwined and could described as visual concerts. Murray and Will (1997) explain that in some types of Ottoman music, young male dancers normally cross-dressed attire meant for women. These type of dancers were called kocek. This type of music was used to express some types of relationships like pederasty. Pederasty is a type of relationship between a man and a young boy outside his intermediate family. The boy was normally an adolescent boy and relating with younger boys was not allowed. Between the 17th century and 19th
Monday, August 12, 2019
The city 'Istanbul' Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The city 'Istanbul' - Essay Example Turkey has a distinguished history and culture that tourists may learn about in their visit to this precious country and especially Istanbul city. The history of Istanbul dates back to the prehistoric times where about 300,000 years ago, Istanbul gave her land for settlement in the Yarimburgaz cave near Kuck Cekmece lake (Istanbul guide, n.p.). Another interesting piece of history about Istanbul is the conquering of the city by Sultan Mehmet in 1453 (Istanbul guide, 1997). Recently, Istanbul bears the prestige of developing and implementing the modern city plans that have remarkable sites and effective transportation and housing. Having no congestion and traffic jams, Istanbul is considered as the city of time. Istanbul boasts of the fact that the historical Istanbul and present have remarkably close similarities in both architecture of the buildings and preservation of the old but elegant structures. Turkey has many elegant landmarks to see like the Beyazit Tower, City walls Galata tower among others. Istanbul also has beautiful parks such as Arboretum, Beykoz woods, Cekmece lakes and Emirgan woods among others. These parks will take a tourist to the state of peace and oneness with nature. In the past half, a century, Istanbul has experienced extensive swatches of urban hinterland build upon industry, housing and infrastructure projects (Bowden, 52). Istanbul is particularly colorful in terms of its culture and art. It is home to the music and opera festivals held annually since the Turkish government policy of the 1930s to institutionalize and teach performance of polyphonic music and opera (Wikipedia, n.p). Apart from the annual festivals, orchestras, concerts and jazz legends continue to entertain and display culture in theaters all year round. Istanbul is also famous for hosting international artists. The Pera museum has hosted exhibitions of the world’s famous artist and has a remarkable reputation. Apart from the Pera museum,
Sunday, August 11, 2019
Expanding Your Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Expanding Your Business - Essay Example Further, the company, The Coffee Shop, pricing for breakfast, lunch, and diner dish is pegged at an average of  £10 per meal, including coffee. Coffee and other beverage prices include  £ 2.60 for Espresso,  £ 2.20 for Americano,  £2.20 for Macciato,  £2.20 for Cortado,  £2.65 for Flat White,  £ 2.65 for Latte,  £ 2.60 for Cappuccino,  £ 2.90 for Mocha,  £ 290 for Hot Chocolate,  £ 2.90 for Iced tea, and  £ 2.90 for Iced Chocolate. The English breakfast prices include  £ 7 bacon sandwich,  £ 3.70 poached egg,  £ 8 for has browns,  £ 11 full breakfast,  £ 7 Scottish smoked salmon and scrambled egg, and  £ 10 Omelette meal. The breakfast menu includes  £ 3 porridge,  £ 4 strawberries and pears,  £4 fruit mix breakfast,  £ 2.50 grapefruit, and  £ toasted bread  £ 1.70. The customers can also savor the  £ 12 hamburger or the stomach filling Longhorn Beef hamburger for  £ 19. Furthermore, the average cost of each menu choice is only 30 percent of the total menu price. The remaining 70 percent represents the amount allocated to paying for the expenses of running the business. The expenses include amount paid for electricity, water, and telephone expenses. The expenses also include the amount paid for the salaries of the coffee shop crew of five persons (Warren, 2009). The company is expected to borrow funds to realize the dream of setting up a residential coffee shop. The amount of loan is twenty percent of the total business capital. With a total business investment of  £ 60,000 pounds, the amount to be loaned is only  £ 20,000. Consequently, the company will pay  £ 1,000 interest per year for the use of the loan amount. The amount  £ 60,000 will be used to prepare the residential unit for the coffee business. The total investment is composed of  £ 40,000 investment by the sole proprietor and  £ 20,000 loan amount (Noreen, 2008). The balance sheet shows that the company uses the loan and the owner’s
Saturday, August 10, 2019
System Evaluation Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
System Evaluation Paper - Essay Example The retailing industry is one of the dominant users of POS terminals. The POS unit handles the sales to clients and other functions such as inventory control, purchasing, as well as storage of sales information for reporting purposes. Retail Point of Sales typically incorporates components such as all-in-one workstations, back office servers, barcode scanners, cash drawers, check readers, graphical customer displays, handheld data collection devices, keyboards, label printers, monitors, pole displays, receipt printers, signature capture devices, time clocks, and weight scales. The implemented comprehensive POS system has additional components such as payroll time clocks and customer preference databases (Green, 2012). Thus, the system removed the need for the retail business to invest in separate systems for such purposes. Prior to the implementation of POS, the retail business (a sporting goods store) encountered problems in card processing, managing cash transactions, and inventory management since the business was using an electronic cash register to record sales. The retail business encountered problems such as the inventory not matching the tallies and some sales going unrecorded. It was against this backdrop that the managers of the retail business decided to purchase and install a point of sale system complete with both hardware and software components. The implementation of POS systems rested on the analysis of several factors such as reliability, downtime, standardization, checkout, and compactness. The POS system avails efficient and accurate calculations when clients are purchasing goods. In addition, the system enhances sales and productivity, besides minimizing the number of operators and time waiting when purchasing commodities. The costs associated with the implemented POS system include cost of
Friday, August 9, 2019
Fate or free will Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Fate or free will - Essay Example As he told me, he was only forced by his circumstances. I myself believe in determinism – that all events are ultimately determined by causes that are external to human will. These events, or the things that happen, even include human action. That man was hungry that is why he stole. It is therefore preposterous to think that he wanted to steal out of free will. There was an explanatory cause, or a cause that ultimately explains his action of stealing. That explanatory cause was hunger. Had he not been hungry, he would not have stolen the money. I am sure you understand and agree with me, Socrates. Socrates: You are right, and no man can ever separate himself from the appetitive and spirited parts as long as he is alive. Moreover, one should know that â€Å"For when [the soul] tries to consider anything in company with the body, it is evidently deceived by it†(Plato, Phaedo, 64c). Therefore, the soul is not free as long as it is with the body, as long as one is alive. This is the part of the soul that conforms to determinism. Socrates: Indeed, it was. However, it was not purely free will on his part, because the fact that he has within him and working at the same time – the appetitive, spirited and rational desires – may have in fact deceived him. What is human choice then? Me: Human choice is the action that results from being governed by external determinism and possessing internal free will – both existing at the same time. So, in short, what are you trying to tell me about that man, Socrates? Socrates: That he did make a choice that he could otherwise have refused or that he had the power to cancel, but that he did make this choice only after his appetitive desires have deceived him, human as he was. However, we cannot conclude anything whether he was a good man or an evil man. We can only say he was not wise
Seacoast Science Center Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Seacoast Science Center - Term Paper Example 7 Financial measurement 7 Donor dependence ratio 8 Non financial measurement 9 Competitive advantages 9 What can the SSC do to overcome the â€Å"$50,000 question†? Is this question the real problem facing SSC? 10 Would raising the admission fee negatively affect SSC’s financial situation? Explain. 11 Conclusion and recommendations 12 Executive summary The seacoast science Center is located in the Odiorne Point State Park in Rye, New Hampshire. The center served as an educational center for the local environment and the visitors’ center for the park. Just like for-profit-organizations, not-for-profit organizations operate in internal and external environments, both of which present forces that must be considered in determining the sustainability of the organization. Strengths and weaknesses are the internal factors that can be controlled by the management while opportunities and threats are the external forces that affect the whole industry, and which the organiz ation cannot control. Besides, competitive advantages will be examined – these are the factors that enable the company sell its goods/services despite there being rival organizations’ dealing with similar goods/services. Other issues that will be tackled in this report include: how to measure success, how to address the $50,000 question and the possible impacts of raising admission fees. Introduction/background The facility called Seacoast Science Center was opened in 1992, with Parks as the facility’s owner, Audibon Society of New Hampshire (ASNHH) as the managing sponsor and the Advisory Committee as the governing body. The director of the visiting center was Wendy Lull, who served as the first employee. During the year of starting, the center attracted 65,000 visitors, a number that grew to 100,000 by 1999, which was above its capacity. In November 2001, the Seacoast Science Center, Inc., an independent nonprofit organization took over the management contract for the center. Currently, SCC is grappling with a deficit budget, a problem that is giving Wendy Lull, the organization’s president, an endless headache. One of the options that is being cited to address this problem includes raising of the admission fees, but again it is argued that such a move could keep off the donors and perhaps make it difficult for the visitors to raise the fees, especially because people do not highly value the kind of services offered by perks. This report will analyze the organization’s SWOT, discusses ways of measuring its success, and look at its competitive advantages among other issues. SWOT Analysis Strengths 1. The organization’s programs strength is lying in its ability to track changes over time - through the use of simple technology. 2. SSC has a mix of staff and trained volunteers. The staff is always commended for engagement and commitment. The competence of staff is revealed by Wendy’s remarks that â€Å"â€â€we all do visitor programs, we’re out there, you’re teaching people, you’re interacting with them†(Naumes and Lull, 2012: 10). 3. Educational programs are available for all ages, ranging from kindergarten through high school. This makes it easy for SSC to get many clients throughout the year. 4. The programs are very simple; hence, people can get involved without much hassle. 5. The organization has adopted technology including websites, direct mail and press release. These platforms are highly valuable for marketing purposes, which gives the organization a competitive edge. 6. The numbers of visitors are growing rapidly every year. 7. The change in management to SCC Inc. in 2001 allowed the management and staff to focus on the organization’s mission. This offered SSC a financial freedom, including having its own members and donors. 8. The new chairman, Pam Hall, has
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