Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Core Ideas Of Liberalism and Conservatism
Struggle between liberal and conservative tendencies is, perhaps, the key element for understanding the political life of the west in the last three centuries. So, in order to understand this struggle one needs to understand what are the core ideas of liberalism and conservatism. This paper aims to investigate some of the most prominent example of liberal and conservative political thought. The first basic ideas of liberalism have been explained by John Locke, who explained that â€Å"Adam had not, either by natural right of fatherhood, or by positive donation from God, any such authority over his children, or dominion over the world, as is pretended†(1. 84). Later the state of natural freedom has been replaced by different forms of unjust oppression, and freedom can be restored only by agreement of free individuals making a civil society.  In the world of monarchism this idea sounded revolutionary, but was still far from practical application. Liberal concepts gained much popularity between the Founding Fathers of the United States, as well as later American publicists. Among others they have been explained and practically developed in the Federalist Papers. For example in Paper 51 James Madison investigated the system of checks and balances as a foundation for independent and responsible state power and a guarantee of reservation of liberty and against usurpation. The source of power for Madison is not God or king, for â€Å"the supreme executive, legislative, and judiciary magistracies should be drawn from the same fountain of authority, the people, through channels having no communication whatever with one another†(1. 118). However, liberalism concerns not only the formation of political power, but relations inside the society as well. British philosopher Thomas Hill Green in 1861 wrote about â€Å"the liberation of the powers of all men equally for contributions to a common good†(1.132). And so paradoxically liberalism restricts some forms of civil transaction such as trade of slaves or, for example, those, which jeopardize public health. Liberalism is understood as general state of freedom in the society, which is limited only by freedom of the others and the function of the state in such society is only to protect freedom and never exercise more power, than needed for the interests of liberal society. In contrast to liberalism, conservative ideas gained more popularity in the XIX century and were a sort of reaction to the spread of revolutionary ideas, especially after American and French revolutions, therefore, they have been aimed to limitation of liberalism. As explained by Michael Oakeshott, â€Å"adults who do not consider themselves under any obligation to justify their preferences for making their own choices; and that it is beyond human experience to suppose that those who rule are endowed with a superior wisdom†(1.193). Humans are week, and too much freedom is likely to corrupt the power and ruin the society. Oakeshott’s example is brutal but very persuasive: â€Å"we tolerate monomaniacs, it is our habit to do so; but why should we be ruled by them?†(1.194) Conservatism can be helpful at unstable times and conservative methods of rule like cutting tax rates in order to stimulate steady economic growth or taking control of the media may sometimes serve the public good. Liberalism and conservatism are therefore the two opposite political foundations, neither of which can be obviously preferred of disfavored. The application of liberal and conservative ideas is not a matter of principle, but a matter of current situation. Works Cited: 1. Nancy S. Love. And Dreams: A Reader In Modern Political Ideologies. (CQ Press; 3 edition, 2005)
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Personal Goal
Throughout my life there have been a lot of people, books and audio tapes that have taught me important lessons. For me, making the right decision in life is crucial as I believe we have only one life and one chance and we should make the most of it. In my life I want to be known for my successful career, my generosity and my positive influence towards people. I guess this is my long term goal in life and I am confident that my study in Northeastern University will take me closer towards my goal in life. Since I was twelve years old, I was in a position where I needed to choose between going to school in Indonesia, where I would stay close to my family and friends, or going to school in Australia, where I would get a better education, but be by myself, far away from my family and friends. I took action and moved from my comfort zone. Moving and living into a totally new country is certainly a great life experience which thought me that determination and self-motivation is the key in helping one succeed in life. My parents always remind me that when the time comes my responsibility is to continue our family business and taking care of my brother and sisters. It is in our culture that the eldest son in the family had the responsibility to take care of the whole family. I believe it is not an easy task but as a responsible son I will prepare and equipped myself with whatever I need to achieve this goal. My short term goal is to have a real working experience in one of the leading company in the United States. When choosing a University in United States, it was always my intention of not getting just a business theory but more importantly real working experience in a company. I do my research and finds that Northeastern University is known for its internship program in United States. In doing MBA degree at Northeastern, I will choose finance as my career track. I choose finance firstly because it is an important area that I need to understand in order to take my family business to the next stage and I also believe that by taking this career track it will get me ready to face the real business world. I am confident that by taking a MBA at Northeastern University will help me to achieve my short term goal of equipping me with knowledge and a real working experience that I really need. Determination and Self motivation is what will keep me moving towards my life goal and I believe that with strong determination and self motivation I will be able to accomplish all of my goals in life. Please answer the following questions: a) What have you learned in your research on Northeastern that has motivated you to apply? ) What unique contributions will you bring to the Northeastern community as a student? c) How will you benefit personally and professionally from your experience at Northeastern? A) The most appealing factor that motivated me to apply is the fact that Northeastern is one of the top Universities in United States that have the best internship program and the recommendation by people who claimed that the schools are so helpful with their students. I believe that University involvement in helping their student succeeding in their career is very important. I read a review that stated that Northeastern provide students with a lots of tools and workshop for their internship. B) In my career both in Indonesia and Australia, I had the opportunity to experience many different kinds of activity from sporting activity, community activity to working experience. My sporting experience includes representing Indonesia to play in an international U-13 competition, playing musical instrument in a band for a concert in Australia, one of a member in Indonesian Student Association in Australia, as well as having two years experience working as a marketing manager in a building material manufacturer company in Indonesia. As a student I am confident that my experience will bring unique contribution to Northeastern Community. C) Personally the most valuable thing that I could have is experiencing and learning in different culture, different environment and diverse people from all over the country. The chance of being able to be around different people from different country and background are priceless for me because it will open my mind about being able to adapt in a diverse environment and a challenge to be able to settle and work together with people from different culture and background. An experience outside university as well as in the workplace will no doubt give me a price less experience especially towards my career internationally, because in a business world we have to be able to deal with almost everyone and I will take this opportunity as my chance to practice this rare opportunity. I look forward to meeting new people from all over the world, making new friends, learning about the western culture, doing new activity and working together as a team. Another personal benefit is that living away from my family will make me able to be live independently and solving problems on my own. I believe that as I move along in my study at Northeastern I will have more and more benefit that right now I have not seen.
Monday, July 29, 2019
Book Review On Life Along The Silk Road History Essay
Book Review On Life Along The Silk Road History Essay The book that I had been given for review is†LIFE ALONG THE SILK ROAD†. The book offers a glimpse into the character and characters of the Eastern Silk road between AD 750 and 1000. The author of the book Susan Whitfield is the director of the British Library sponsored Dunhuang project, which makes a remarkable collection of Ancient Silk Road manuscripts including those acquired by legendary explorer Sir Auel Stein, available on the internet. Her knowledge of this treasure trove of primary material shows throughout the book. She has written extensively about china and therefore is in a good position to give an account of the all the details regarding the network of roads and paths crossing central Asia and concentrates on the 8th to 10th centuries A.D. The author has an extensive research on the Mongolian Empire and middle kingdom. She has travelled to central Asia several times and has written this novel as reflection of the stories of the Silk Road. She has dedicated the book to prof.Edward Schafer whom she credits for literary excavation of this historic trade route. This book Life along the Silk Road gives a rich account of the varied history of the Silk Road. It is a good read for people with special interest in history. The book recounts the stories, the lives of ten individuals who lived along the Silk Road in different era. The tale of ten different individuals a merchant, a soldier, a horseman, a monk, a nun among others, all form a different walk of life. The author has tried to reconstruct the history of the route through the personal experiences of these characters. The region covered in the book corresponds to modern day eastern Uzbekistan, western China, Mongolia, south to the Himalayas and including Tibet. Today that region is largely occupied by Turkic peoples, mainly the Uighur, as well as Chinese colonists and is more Islamic than not. In the time period covered by the book it was more Indo-European in character, mainly Buddhist, and a great deal more cosmopolitan, with many towns and cities home to Turks, Indians, Chinese, Tibetans, and Mongolians as well as followers of Manicheism, Zoroastrianism, Nestorian Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and shamanism. Many Silk Road towns, once some of the most populous cities in the world, now have largely been reclaimed by the desert sands due to a decline in population and a drop in the water table, a land now rich in archaeology but vulnerable to thieves looking for artifacts to sell on the black market. The major source of information for this book and indeed much of the scholarship done on this region and era comes from the over forty thousand documents uncovered in a Buddhist cave complex outside Dunhuang, now in Gansu province, China. Sealed up in the eleventh century, it was uncovered by accident in 1900. Though many of these precious scrolls, paintings, and sculptures have been lost since then for various reasons (and others tainted by the existence of forgeries ), more than enough remained; the importance of the Dunhuang documents cannot be overstated. A whole field of study, Dunhuangology, grew up around the study of the documents. Not only were there many Buddhist texts, but as paper was rare and often recycled (and once Buddhist scripture was written on paper it was considered nearly blasphemous to destroy at that point), many non-Buddhist writings were preserved, unique in providing glimpses into the lives of everyday people.
Entry 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Entry 1 - Essay Example The journey of discovering the nature of the universe and the true meaning of our existence did not end with the trip to the South Pole. In 1965, the Apollo mission landed the first humans on the surface of the moon. This sparked a sense of curiosity and the need to know more about the universe and ourselves. This became the genesis of science fiction literature. As man progressed in his discoveries, he discovered his limitations and the need to overcome them. The idea of overcoming human limitations cannot only be solved through scientific discoveries but through human creativity. Science fiction enables man to exist in a world that does not have limitations. Through this existence, people can explore their creativity in a number of ways. I prefer reading science fiction because it enables humans to overcome their generic shortcomings through creative thinking. In addition, science fiction enables people to view reality concerning the future of our universe and our discoveries. The future of the planet is dependent on human activities and efforts. Reading science fiction provides me with an understanding of possible outcomes and threats that faces humanity. Through science fiction literature, I have realized that humans have the ability to control the universe. Through systematic thinking and unbounded curiosity, humans will be able to overcome their perennial challenges. It is evident that the current technology was once written in science fiction literature. Similarly, I consider science fiction litterateur as prophecies on future possibilities. Although the literature is meant for amusement purpose, it provides valuable information that relates to current life. The literature provides insights on the role f governments in developing sustainable policies for sustainable development. Other than the entertainment aspect of
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Leadership Approach Paper Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Leadership Approach - Research Paper Example This paper discusses group performance study as an approach to studying leadership. Organizational group performance is the performance of various groups that are involved in the functioning organizational departments to achieve its goals. The efficiency of departmental groups contributes to the general success of the whole organization. Training employees in various groups helps them evaluate their performance by identifying the possible gaps in their skills or performance and plan on how to make effective improvements. According to Yuki (2010), for a group to be effective, all members have to work in unity to achieve results. Issues arising among the different members of the group are a hindrance on achieving results. These issues could be either task related, interpersonal related or either common. Measurement of group performance relies on the contribution of all group members working towards completing a similar task by application of interpersonal skills. A good leader should possess skills and knowledge to direct the group members in achieving the common goal. The out-come of the group measures the leaders’ level of performance. The performance of the entire organization is largely depended on the performance of the various groups of the organization. A successful leader should be in a position to control the various groups of the organization to achieve the goal of organization (Kottler & Englar, 2010). A leader chooses the most preferable method of leadership to apply to the group, which could either be autocratic or democratic. An autocratic leader makes the group’s decision with minimum or no consultations from the other members, while a democratic leader allows consultations of all group members and considers individual opinions regarding the issue at hand. Group leadership defines the purpose of the group, and every member is of the group feels proud to belong to the group. Members understand the roles
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Analysis .... depend on the movie Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Analysis .... depend on the movie - Essay Example The general public has been separated into intellectuals and proprietors, who live in comfort, and manual workers, who reside in its suburbs and whose single function is controlling the equipment that move the city (Minden & Bachmann, 2002). The movie revolves around two individuals; first, Freder, who was the son of the metropolitan’s chief planner, and second Maria, who is a young female from the working class and thinks that sooner or later a arbitrator will arrive to reconcile differences in the class. After understanding that Freder supports the employees, she believes that he may be the rescuer that she has visualized. â€Å"The most important feature of this movie is that the special effects utilized in this sci-fi classic were pioneering â€Å"at the time of the release and still have the power to amaze audiences†(Elsaesser, 2008). Metropolis features exceptional camera work and set designs that still amaze contemporary viewers with their visual impact - the m ovie has â€Å"cinematic and thematic bonds to German Expressionism†(Prestel Art Press, 1999), despite the fact that the structural design, as represented in the movie, emerges founded on present-day modernization as well as ‘Art Deco’.
Friday, July 26, 2019
Wellness Tourism - Australia Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Wellness Tourism - Australia - Essay Example Some of wellness tourists are focused on health recreation, some of them are more focused on their appearance and others want to restore harmony and spiritual balance. Thus, tourism sectors are well-developed and Australian government creates perfect opportunities for turning tourism into an international strong competitive industry. Further on, it is relevant to underline that Australian government works hardly at international development of tourism in their country. The area of tourism is rather young and wellness tourism providers require essential investments from government. A major part of wellness tourism areas is developing in regional communities. The major preference of Australian wellness tourism is providing wellness services at lower price than in the United States and some parts of Asia. In order to define a popularity of wellness tourism in Australia, it is relevant to discuss a background on which this are is being developed. Wellness tourism: definition In spite of the fact, that wellness tourism is very popular in Australia, there are still ambiguities in its definition. Wellness and medical tourism are usually perceived as one common area. Moreover, even more complexities occur when wellness tourism is named as health tourism (Douglas, 2001; Hall, 2003) health care or holistic tourism (Smith, 2003). Different concepts can be named by these, at the first glance, interchangeable terms. In such a way, some researchers refer to a general ‘health tourism’ and don’t pay any special attention to variety of demand and supply in this sphere. It is relevant to make a distinction between wellness and health tourism on the basis of differentiation between ‘cure’ or ‘illness’ concepts and the ‘wellness’ (Voigt, 2008). Consequently, wellness tourism may be considered to be a sub-type of health tourism. Thus, some researchers claim that health tourists clearly differentiate between their orientatio n to illness or wellness. Tourists focused on illness treatment are more concerned about medical treatment and tourists who are interested in health and well-being pay much attention to wellness. In other words, wellness tourists think that they are healthy and health tourists want to be healthier after their ‘healthy’ vacation. As far as we can see, the boundary between health and wellness tourism is rather vague. Health tourists are focused on medical treatment and not on tourism, while wellness tourists are more considered about tourism and entertainment. Where concept ‘wellness tourism’ does come from? What, actually, does concept ‘wellness’ mean? In accordance with Voigt (2008) concept ‘wellness’ lacks scientific background. Voigt (2008) defines six basic principles of wellness definition. From the first perspective, wellness is a health of positive nature; this approach is more concern the issue ‘how to remain healthyâ €™ and not ‘how to get treatment against a certain illness or disease’ (Voigt, 2008). The second perspective considers wellness as ‘a multi-dimensional, holistic construct’, where ‘health’ integrates health mind, body and spirit. From the third perspective, wellness is an internal balance and harmony of any individual. The fourth paradigm of wellness implies ‘triggering of human potential’ (Voigt, 2008). The fifth perspective underlines that wellness is rather subjective concept and depends only on individual’s perceptions. Finally, the sixth perspective considers wellness as a goal to reach selfactualisation. Australian wellness tourism has successfully combined all these six principles and in such a way, it satisfies the needs of different wellness tourists. Australian welln
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Risk Management in a Corperate Retail Store Research Paper
Risk Management in a Corperate Retail Store - Research Paper Example In the final portion of the paper, the researcher identifies important methods of dealing with the issues in JCPenney. This is done through an application of methods and systems of retail risk management and corporate governance. The paper recommends that the management of JCPenney need to re-examine the controls and the risk management system of the supermarket. This should lead to the formulation of alternative systems and strategies for the prevention and control of risks in the supermarket. Retail management is defined by Berman and Evans as â€Å"the art and science of bringing the ultimate consumer a product through a series of stages which are coordinated through a set of defined objectives and strategies†(2009 p1). Retail management therefore entails all the necessary steps that a shop or store goes through to ensure that consumers get products that they desire. However, retail management is a conscious process that involves certain activities and steps that provides optimal services for consumers (Berman and Evans, 2009 p1). This means that for retail management to succeed, there should be a clearly defined end which will be attained through a deliberate and conscious effort to attain that end. 5. Alignment: all stakeholder needs, ranging from shareholders quests for higher profits and the wider societys desire for healthy lives and environmental responsiveness should be aligned to the activities of a retail venture. This therefore means that retail management is intertwined with numerous activities and plans that enables the ends and objectives of the company to be actualized. Management of retail ventures is described as both an art and a science. This therefore means that it is about how to attain stated objectives through rules, regulations and other competencies. 1. Supply chain management and channel distribution: this involves the sourcing of goods from wholesalers or producers and getting them to the final
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
What the new expatriates should expect with leaders from another Essay
What the new expatriates should expect with leaders from another countries - Essay Example Ladies and gentlemen, as I stated just now globalization has brought us closer with each passing day and same has been the case among the nations – spread across the world’s horizon. We might have a definitive understanding of the American nation but then again little do we know about the kind of leadership prevalent within Brazil, Italy, India, Germany, Denmark and Australia. Thus these seven nations have so much in common but when it comes to an understanding of their leadership regimes and the like, we fall short on gaining that ground. Let us kick off with how the American leadership shapes up. America, as we all know is the super power of the world and hence the influence it has on the fraternity of nations is somewhat demanding. It wants to build relationships with the rest of the worldly nations only on the premise that they are willing to listen to what the American leadership has to say. As expatriates, you should know beforehand that American leaders are willing to listen yet they do what they deem best for their country, organization or society. As decision makers, they take all steps after going through each and every stage of the decision making cycle as the pros and cons are studied in an incisive manner. (Barber, 1988) They treat their subordinates with respect and dignity and reward them for their work and commitment. In a global workplace, communication holds the key and America, of all the nations has this advantage of understanding the different dialects and languages of the expatriates coming from different regions of the world. America is on the move and so is their leadership hierarchy – they are striving to achieve more and more through the means of diversity, rest assured. Moving on towards Brazil ladies and gentlemen, we take a look at the way this South American nation has progressed over the years. The Brazilian
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
Principles of Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Principles of Economics - Essay Example Practically, it is very hard to model actions since there are so many distinct variables. The problem of alcohol abuse is not easily overcome because alcohol is highly addictive. In this case, if the alcohol abuser is an economist, he or she will consider many things that he or she would use to help him or her overcome the situation. They will look at the opportunity cost whereby they will consider buying those goods that are best for their health other than alcohol (Mantzavinos, 2001). Additionally, they will use cost benefit analysis by viewing the benefits accrued from stopping the habit of alcohol consumption which in this case out weight the disadvantages for example, wastage of money in purchasing alcohol (O'sullivan et al, 2011). More so, they will consider rational behavior by assuming which actions are necessary when they stop consuming alcohol. Lastly, an economist would look at the market forces of demand and supply of alcohol in that they will analyze the level at which a lcohol is supplied to the market and the price that alcohol come with. When the supply is not sufficient, they would prefer to stop drinking alcohol rather than continuing with the habit of looking for a commodity that is scarce and costly. More so, they will consider the level at which alcohol is demanded; therefore, they will analyze the possible outcomes of many people drinking alcohol. The possible way to help alcohol abuser is to assist them to realize that they have alcohol consumption problem. Friends and family members can help make the abuser realize that drinking is affecting them by being specific in their discussion. In this manner, the abuser may be willing to look for assistance when they are faced with the harm their alcohol consumption causes to others. With the help of friends and family members, the abuser is likely to overcome the problem of alcohol drinking. Other groups such as Alcoholic anonymous help the abusers by giving the patients the chance to assist each other to avoid alcohol consumption. 2. Analyze how prescription drugs affect the demand and supply of other products and services in this country. Prescription drugs have direct inclination to the trends of supply and demand of goods and services in a particular state (Porter, 1998). The sectors that are most likely to be affected include; the beneficiaries which in this case are the patients, private insurers and to the extreme public policies. These effects are generally predisposed and become inevitable because of the rise in costs of these prescription drugs. Rise in costs of prescribed drugs connotes that the beneficiaries have to go an extra mile to settle their health bills. This may include outsourcing finances that were initially allocated for a different purpose. Cutting down allocations from a different sector in order to fill the health gap translates to low purchasing power from the deprived sectors. 3. Formulate a reason why the elasticity of demand is an important co nsideration when analyzing the impact of a shift in supply and why the elasticity of supply is an important consideration when analyzing the impact of a shift in demand. Include at least one (1) example in each scenario. Price elasticity of demand attempts to measure how price change affects the quantity demanded by the prevailing market condition. The formulae for determining the price elasticity is as shown below. Price elasticity (PEoD) = (percentage change in Quantity demanded)/ (percentage chang
One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest Final Scene Essay Example for Free
One Flew over the Cuckoos Nest Final Scene Essay In the final scene of One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Chief Bromden is the main character. The only two characters in this scene are Bromden and McMurphy, and even though McMurphy would be considered the main character of the entire film, Bromden is the main character of this scene because he has the strongest desire. In fact, in this one scene, Bromden has many desires that to him, are life or death. Initially, after hearing rumours of McMurphy’s escape, when McMurphy returns to his bed, Bromden thinks that he has returned in order to escape with him. At this point, Bromden’s desire is simply to escape the ward. He then realizes that McMurphy has not returned to escape, but that he has actually been lobotomized. When he sees this, he smothers McMurphy to death, knowing that McMurphy would not want to live like this, or have the others see him in this state. At this point in the scene, Bromden’s desire is to protect McMurphy’s pride. Once he fulfills this, he returns to his initial desire, as well as what used to be McMurphy’s desire to escape. He achieves this by using McMurphy’s escape plan; lifting the impossibly heavy hydrotherapy console and throwing it through the window. In doing this, Bromden not only achieves his own desire, but also completes the goal that McMurphy was unable to complete. Throughout the movie, Chief Bromden’s status quo is that he is inactive and lacks opinions and feelings. All of the other patients at the hospital think he is â€Å"deaf and dumb†. McMurphy is the only one to later discover that Bromden is neither deaf, nor mute. Before the tension in the final scene takes place, Bromden seems too passive and nonchalant to escape on his own, and he definitely seems much too harmless to murder anyone. In this scene, Bromden is forced to change when he sees that McMurphy has been lobotomized. His respect for McMurphy, and despair that he has been lobotomized and is no longer the powerful leader he used to be initiates the change in Bromden. Wanting McMurphy to die with honour, and having others remember him the way he was, Bromden finds the power to smother McMurphy to death. After McMurphy is dead, Bromden still has the initial desire of escaping. Before, he had been waiting for McMurphy to escape with him, because McMurphy was more intrepid and gallant than Bromden, and would be able to lead him. Now that McMurphy is unable to escape with him, Bromden is forced to find the courage to escape on his own. In this scene, the stakes are very high for Bromden. If he does not escape, he will have to live miserably in the mental institution for the rest of his life. The stakes are raised when he discovers that McMurphy has been lobotomized. Now, he takes on the responsibility to do what he knew McMurphy would want him to do- not allow him to live and be seen as a lobotomized vegetable. If Bromden does not succeed in killing McMurphy, Bromden will feel like he has let down and humiliated McMurphy. Once Bromden has smothered McMurphy, the stakes are once again raised as now not only does he have to escape because he doesn’t want to live in the hospital for the rest of his life, but he also has to leave because he has just murdered McMurphy, even though he did so out of respect. If he does not escape right away, he most likely will get in trouble for the murder of McMurphy (and probably get lobotomized himself) , he will have to spend his life in the miserable existence of the institution, and he will not have fulfilled McMurphy’s and his own desire to escape. The main conflict that takes place in this scene is the fact that Bromden has such a strong desire to escape with McMurphy, but when McMurphy is no longer able to escape, it becomes much more difficult to Bromden. The audience fears that upon discovering that McMurphy has been lobotomized, he will not be assertive enough to escape on his own. Until it is confirmed that McMurphy has been lobotomized, the audi ence hopes that the two of them will successfully escape together, but when it becomes clear that this will not happen, the audience wonders how Bromden will deal with this. He resolves the conflict by finding the courage to escape on his own. Another conflict in this scene is the fact that McMurphy, who is the most outspoken and powerful patient in the ward has been lobotomized. The fact that he basically no longer has a mind of his own not only gets in the way of Bromden’s desire, but will also destroy any optimism and faith that any of the other patients have. This is also a conflict for Bromden because he knows that McMurphy would be miserable if the old him were to see the lobotomized him, and Bromden does not want McMurphy to be shamed. Bromden deals with this conflict by killing McMurphy, that way none of the other patients will see him in this state, and McMurphy will not have to live this way for any longer. The main twist in this scene comes when McMurphy returns. Bromden is relieved because he thinks that McMurphy has returned to escape with him, but instead he has been lobotomized and no longer has any desire to escape. This comes as a shock to both Bromden, because it is the opposite of what he has expected, and also to the audience, because seeing McMurphy in the state of being lobotomized completely contrasts the character of McMurphy that the audience has come to know. The technique of juxtaposition makes this twist extremely effective. McMurphy is a character who is always active, energetic, powerful, and lively. He prides himself on his non-alignment, so the audience knows that to McMurphy, receiving a lobotomy is the worst thing that could possibly happen to him. Another technique used to make this twist so powerful is the uncertainty of both Bromden and the audience. First, when the other patients talk about how McMurphy has escaped, both Bromden and the audience believe that this plausibly occurred. When McMurphy is seen returning, acting lifeless, by now we know how manipulative and calculating McMurphy is, so the audience is unsure of whether McMurphy has actually been lobotomized, or if he is just pretending to be obedient so he can return, and then escape. We do not know for sure that McMurphy has actually been lobotomized until Bromden discovers the scars on his head. This provides a real shock because up until now, both Bromden and the audience was pretty sure that McMurphy was just faking it and the two of them would end up escaping together. A secondary twist in this scene is when Bromden suffocates McMurphy. Although Bromden did this with the best intention for McMurphy, it is still surprising to the audience, because no one could’ve pictured Bromden killing anyone, especially McMurphy who he has so much respect for. As mentioned above, Bromden has many strong desires throughout this scene. His main desire is to escape the ward. His secondary desire is to make sure that McMurphy dies with honour and does not have to live being the opposite of the lively, outspoken person he once was. He fulfills both of these desires, and even though he is unable to escape with McMurphy, which was his original intention, he still is able to escape on his own, and free himself from the mental institution. McMurphy, on the other hand, does not have much desire in this scene. Throughout the film, McMurphy has more desire than any other character; he wants to be in charge, he doesn’t want to do work, he wants to help and lead the other patients in the ward, he is a hedonist, who wants to please himself, and ultimately, his main desire is to escape. Despite all of this, by the last scene, he has been lobotomized, and therefore all of his desire has been drained. He is now a vegetable, who is unable to and has no will to escape with Bromden. His lack of desire makes Bromden’s desire even stronger, because McMurphy was the most passionate patient of them all, but now he is basically brain dead. This ignites Bromden’s desire to put an end to McMurphy’s now meaningless life, and it further motivates his desire to escape the hospital, because he sees how it is able to drain even the most passionate and spirited person.
Monday, July 22, 2019
Internet Marketing in Business Unit Essay Example for Free
Internet Marketing in Business Unit Essay Describe the role internet marketing has within a modern marketing concept: Internet marketing is the promotion of products and services using the Internet. Lower Costs, Products and services and international customers are its main advantages. This Type of marketing also keeps digital customer data management and electronic customer Relationship management (ECRM), which are widely used in businesses today. Different types businesses have benefited from internet marketing when it comes to cost, And sales, instantly millions of people can have access to company/business, its products Or services, you can do this at any time anywhere in the world. Normally communication Would be done by e-mail reducing cost in telephone calls. This benefits not only businesses That doesn’t have to spend a lot of money on traditional ways of advertising but also benefit Consumers who do not need to make telephone calls to know more about a company and Its products or services; it’s possible to find out everything with a few clicks. Internet marketing is also used to close deals which make the process easier and cheaper, For the business and the customer. Even a mobile phone contract can be done by internet. Internet marketing also helps targeting customers in other countries as products or services Easily reach customers anywhere in the world through internet marketing. The marketing mix is also an important part of internet marketing; it is a main ingredient In internet marketing it is also known as the 4p’s, which is place, promotion, products and Price, every business uses this when start up because it is simple and very affective and give A good impact on the business * Place: where your business is located, how can customers reach you? The internet is the best place for a business because customers can get on it 24/7 * Promotion: internet marketing allows business to advertise on website such as facebook which is used by the whole world. * Products: what is your target market what products should you provide. Businesses online provide a wider range of ptroducts than the business. * Price: is the price suitable for the products your providing and the location yourProviding it from. Internet marketing provide cheaper prices and better offers than the acctual branch/business
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Modern Programming Tools And Techniques Computer Science Essay
Modern Programming Tools And Techniques Computer Science Essay Q:1 Define abstraction, encapsulation, modularity and hierarchy in your own terms. Ans:-AbstractionAbstraction denotes the essential characteristics of an Object that differ it from other objects, and thereby providing a boundary that is relative to the perspective of the viewer. Abstraction focuses on the outside-view of the Object, and helps separate its behavior from its implementation, Think of it this way, to you, your car is an utility that helps you commute, it has a steering wheel , brakes etcà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ but from an engineers point of view the very same car represents an entirely different view point, to the engineer the car is an entity that is composed of sub elements such and engine with a certain horse power, a certain cubic capacity, its power conversion ratio etc. It is the same car that we are talking about, but its behavior and properties have been encapsulated to the perspective of the viewer. This is what abstraction is. Encapsulation Encapsulation is breaking down the elements of an abstraction that constitute to its structure and behavior. Encapsulation serves as the interface between abstraction and its implementation. To understand encapsulation better, lets consider an animal such as a dog. We know that a dog barks, it is its behavior, a property that defines a dog, but what is hidden is , how it barks, its implementation, this is encapsulation. The hiding of the implementation details of a behavior that defines a property of an entity is Encapsulation. Modularity The art of partitioning a program into individual components so as to reduce its complexity to some degree can be termed as Modularity In addition to this, the division of the code into modules helps provide clear boundaries between different parts of the program, thereby allowing it to be better documented and defined. In other words Modularity is building abstraction into discrete units. The direct bearing of modularity in Java is the use of packages. Elements of Analysis and Design Hierarchy (Inheritance) Abstraction is good, but in most real world cases we find more abstractions than we can comprehend at one time, though Encapsulation will help us to hide the implementation, and modularity to crisply cluster logically related abstractions, at times, it just isnt enough. This is when Hierarchy comes into the picture, a set of Abstractions together form a Hierarchy, by identifying these hierarchies in our design; we greatly simplify our understanding of the problem. Single Inheritance Single Inheritance is the most important part of is a hierarchy. When a class shares thestructure of another class it is said to single inherit a base class. To understand the concept better, lets try this. Consider the base class Animal. To define a bear terms of and animal, we say a Bear is a kind of Animal. In simpler terms, the bear single inherits the structure of an animal. Multiple Inheritance Multiple Inheritance can be defined as a part of inheritance where the subclasses inherit the Behavior of more than one base type. Q:2 Sketch the object-oriented design or the Card game Black-Jack. What are the key objects? What are the properties and behaviours of these objects? How does the object interact Ans:-Blackjack Implementation It must write three new classes and link them with all of the previous classes in the project. The first class, DealerHand,implements the algorithm of playing Blackjack from the dealers perspective. The classcontains a field which keeps track of the current number of points in a hand, and a methodthat calls in a counter-controlled loop the method of the previous class GameDeck to deal cards one at a time from the top of the deck. As cards are being dealt, the current number of points in the hand is updated accordingly. Another method of GameDeck returns the value of the above field.The next class, PlayerHand, is a subclass of DealerHand. It overrides the method for dealing cards: the cards are still dealt in a loop, but the loop is sentinel- controlled this time, and the method incorporates interaction with the user. The third class, GameApp, contains the method main in which objects of DealerHand and PlayerHand are created. Methods for dealing cards are invoked on these objects. When these methods return, the winner of the game is determined according to the standard Blackjack algorithm. The specific details of the algorithms for calculating points in each hand and for determining the winner of the game are figured out by students with practically no assistance from the instructor. By this point in the course, the students are able to write this code independently, making use of the techniques, concepts, syntax and basic structures of the Java language that they have learned during the semester. While the application could be created using any development environment, Ibelieve that its success in my class is dependent upon the use of BlueJ. BlueJ enables this project in two ways: (1) as a very simple-to-use tool for writing and editing code, and (2) through the provided sample code that allows users to create images onscreen without any prior knowledge of Java graphics (e.g., the Swing API). Because BlueJ minimizes the hurdles associated with graphics programming, novice students are able to create an interesting and fun application, which helps them master the basics of the object-oriented approach in the earliest stages of their CS coursework.As an example, suppose you want to write a program that plays the card game,Blackjack.Youcan use the Card, Hand, and Deck classes developed. However, a hand in the game of Blackjack is a little different from a hand of cards in general, since it must be possible to compute the value of a Blackjack hand according to the rules of the game. The rules are as follows: The value of a hand is obtained by adding up the values of the cards in the hand. The value of a numeric card such as a three or a ten is its numerical value. The value of a Jack, Queen, or King is 10. The value of an Ace can be either 1 or 11. An Ace should be counted as 11 unless doing so would put the total value of the hand over 21. One way to handle this is to extend the existing Hand class by adding a method that computes the Blackjack value of the hand. Heres the definition of such a class: public class BlackjackHand extends Hand { public int getBlackjackValue() { // Returns the value of this hand for the // game of Blackjack. int val; // The value computed for the hand. boolean ace; // This will be set to true if the // hand contains an ace. int cards; // Number of cards in the hand. val = 0; ace = false; cards = getCardCount(); for ( int i = 0; i // Add the value of the i-th card in the hand. Card card; // The i-th card; int cardVal; // The blackjack value of the i-th card. card = getCard(i); cardVal = card.getValue(); // The normal value, 1 to 13. if (cardVal > 10) { cardVal = 10; // For a Jack, Queen, or King. } if (cardVal == 1) { ace = true; // There is at least one ace. } val = val + cardVal; } // Now, val is the value of the hand, counting any ace as 1. // If there is an ace, and if changing its value from 1 to // 11 would leave the score less than or equal to 21, // then do so by adding the extra 10 points to val. if ( ace == true val + 10 val = val + 10; return val; } // end getBlackjackValue() } // end class BlackjackHand Q:3 Sketch the object-oriented design of a system to control a Soda dispensing machine. What are the key objects? What are the properties and behaviours of these objects? How does the object interact? ANS:- The state machines interface is encapsulated in the wrapper class. The wrappee hierarchys interface mirrors the wrappers interface with the exception of one additional parameter. The extra parameter allows wrappee derived classes to call back to the wrapper class as necessary. Complexity that would otherwise drag down the wrapper class is neatly compartmented and encapsulated in a polymorphic hierarchy to which the wrapper object delegates. Example The State pattern allows an object to change its behavior when its internal state changes. This pattern can be observed in a vending machine. Vending machines have states based on the inventory, amount of currency deposited, the ability to make change, the item selected, etc. When currency is deposited and a selection is made, a vending machine will either deliver a product and no change, deliver a product and change, deliver no product due to insufficient currency on deposit, or deliver no product due to inventory depletion. Identify an existing class, or create a new class, that will serve as the state machine from the clients perspective. That class is the wrapper class. Create a State base class that replicates the methods of the state machine interface. Each method takes one additional parameter: an instance of the wrapper class. The State base class specifies any useful default behavior. Create a State derived class for each domain state. These derived classes only override the methods they need to override. The wrapper class maintains a current State object. All client requests to the wrapper class are simply delegated to the current State object, and the wrapper objects this pointer is passed. The State methods change the current state in the wrapper object as appropriate. . public class VendingMachine {     private double sales;     private int cans;     private int bottles;     public VendingMachine() {         fillMachine();     }     public void fillMachine() {         sales = 0;         cans = 10;        bottles = 5;     }    public int getCanCount() {return this.cans; }     public int getBottleCount() {return this.bottles; }     public double getSales() { return this.sales;}     public void vendCan() {         if (this.cans==0) {             System.out.println(Sorry, out of cans.);         } else {             this.cans -= 1;             this.sales += 0.6;        }    }     public static void main(String[] argv) {         VendingMachine machine = new VendingMachine();     }    } Part B Q:4 In an object oriented inheritance hierarchy, the objects at each level are more specialized than the objects at the higher levels. Give three real world examples of a hierarchy with this property. ANS:- Single Inheritance Java implements what is known as a single-inheritance model. A new class can subclass (extend, in Java terminology) only one other class. Ultimately, all classes eventually inherit from the Object class, forming a tree structure with Object as its root. This picture illustrates the class hierarchy of the classes in the Java utility package, java.util The HashTable class is a subclass of Dictionary, which in turn is a subclass of Object. Dictionary inherits all of Objects variables and methods (behavior), then adds new variables and behavior of its own. Similarly, HashTable inherits all of Objects variables and behavior, plus all of Dictionarys variables and behavior, and goes on to add its own variables and behavior. Then the Properties class subclasses HashTable in turn, inheriting all the variables and behavior of its class hierarchy. In a similar manner, Stack and ObserverList are subclasses of Vector, which in turn is a subclass of Object. The power of the object-oriented methodology is apparentnone of the subclasses needed to re-implement the basic functionality of their superclasses, but needed only add their own specialized behavior. However, the above diagram points out the minor weakness with the single-inheritance model. Notice that there are two different kinds of enumerator classes in the picture, both of which inherit from Object. An enumerator class implements behavior that iterates through a collection, obtaining the elements of that collection one by one. The enumerator classes define behavior that both HashTable and Vector find useful. Other, as yet undefined collection classes, such as list or queue, may also need the behavior of the enumeration classes. Unfortunately, they can inherit from only one superclass. A possible method to solve this problem would be to enhance some superclass in the hierarchy to add such useful behavior when it becomes apparent that many subclasses could use the behavior. Such an approach would lead to chaos and bloat. If every time some common useful behavior were required for all subsequent subclasses, a class such as Object would be undergoing constant modification, would grow to enormous size and complexity, and the specification of its behavior would be constantly changing. Such a solution is untenable. The elegant and workable solution to the problem is provided via Java interfaces, the subject of the next topic. Multiple inheritance Some object-oriented programming languages, such as C++, allow a class to extend two or more superclasses. This is called multiple inheritance. In the illustration below, for example, class E is shown as having both class A and class B as direct superclasses, while class F has three direct superclasses. Such multiple inheritance is not allowed in Java. The designers of Java wanted to keep the language reasonably simple, and felt that the benefits of multiple inheritance were not worth the cost in increased complexity. However, Java does have a feature that can be used to accomplish many of the same goals as multiple inheritance: interfaces. Class hierarchies Classes in Java form hierarchies. These hierarchies are similar in structure to many more familiar classification structures such as the organization of the biological world originally developed by the Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus in the 18th century. Portions of this hierarchy are shown in the diagram . At the top of the chart is the universal category of all living things. That category is subdivided into several kingdoms, which are in turn broken down by phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species. At the bottom of the hierarchy is the type of creature that biologists name using the genus and species together. In this case, the bottom of the hierarchy is occupied by Iridomyrmex purpureus, which is a type of red ant. The individual red ants in the world correspond to the objects in a programming language. Thus, each of the individuals is an instance of the species purpureus. By virtue of the hierarchy, however, that individual is also an instance of the genus Iridomyrmex, the class Insecta, and the phylum Arthropoda. It is similarly, of course, both an animal and a living thing. Moreover, each red ant has the characteristics that pertain to each of its ancestor categories. For example, red ants have six legs, which is one of the defining characteristics of the class Insecta. Real example of hyrarchy Ques5 How do methods System.out.print() and System.out.println() differ? Define a java constant equal to 2.9979 X 108 that approximates the speed of light in meters per second. ANS:-1) public class Area{ public static void main(String[] args){ int length = 10; int width = 5; // calling the method or implementing it int theArea = calculateArea(); System.out.println(theArea); } // our declaration of the method public static int calculateArea(){ int methodArea = length * width; return methodArea; } } 2) public static void printHeader(){ System.out.println(Feral Production); System.out.println(For all your Forest Videos); System.out.println(427 Blackbutt Way); System.out.println(Chaelundi Forest); System.out.println(NSW 2473); System.out.println(Australia); } System.out.println(String argument) System.out.print(String argument) In the first case, the code fragment accesses the println() method of the object referred to by the class variable named out of the class named System. In the second case, the print() method is accessed instead of the println() method The difference between the two is that the println() method automatically inserts a newlineat the end of the string argument whereas the print() method leaves the display cursor at the end of the string argument Define a java constant equal to 2.9979 X 108 that approximates the speed of light in meters per second. Floating-point values can also be written in a special programmers style of scientific notation, in which the value is represented as a floating-point number multiplied by aintegral power of 10. To write a number using this style, you write a floating-point number in standard notation, followed immediately by the letter E and an integerexponent, optionally preceded by a + or sign. For example, the speed of light inmeters per second is approximately 2.9979 x 108 which can be written in Java as 2.9979E+8 where the E stands for the words times 10 to the power.Boolean constants and character constants also exist and are described in subsequent chapters along with their corresponding types. Q:6 Write a code segment that defines a Scanner variable stdin that is associated with The code segment should than define to int variables a and b, such that they are initialized with the next two input values from the standard input stream. Ans:- Import java.util.*; Public class mathfun { Public static void main(string[] args) { Scanner stdin=new scanner (; System.out.print(enter a decimal number); Double x=stdin.nextdouble(); System.out.print(enter another decimalnumber); Double y=stdin.nextdouble(); Double squarerootx=math.sqrt(x); System.out.println(square root of +x+is+square rootx); } }  System.out.println(PersontHeighttShoe size); System.out.println(=========================); System.out.println(Hannaht51t7); System.out.println(Jennat510t9); System.out.println(JJt61t14);  Q:7 Separately identify the keywords, variables, classes, methods and parameters in the following definition: import java.util.*; public class test { public static void main(String[] args) { Scanner stdin = new Scanner(; System.out.print(Number:); double n = stdin.nextDouble(); System.out.println(n + * + n + = + n * n); } } Ans:- public static void main(String[] args)-method double n = stdin.nextDouble();-variables public ,static, void ,-keywords stdin println-keyword test -class double-parameters
Saturday, July 20, 2019
black bear Essay -- essays research papers fc
Black Bears The black bear is the smallest North American bear. The adults are usually less than six feet long and stand about two to three feet tall at shoulders. The weight of a black bear varies between 125-500 ponds. They have small eyes and rounded ears. Also their snout is very long. Each paw has five very strong claws, which is used for tearing, digging, and climbing. One single hit from the front paw is enough to kill an adult deer. A black Bear is a true carnivore, but if not prevented the black bear could be a huge problem to humans. A black bear loves to eat fresh leaves, berries, fruits, nuts, roots and also Insects and small mammals. When fall comes near, a black bear must eat large amounts of food in order to gain enough weight to keep them through winter hibernation. During hibernation when a little bit warmer weather comes near the black bear must awaken and take short excursions outdoors, so they can get a drink or some food. This is so the black bear will be able to go back to sleep easier. During hibernation a black bear will stay in a cave or some kind of stone formation. Usually it will be near a creek or stream. The area around the cave will usually have a lot of vegetation. If the cave does not have any water or food around it the black bear will try to find another place to sleep through the winter. That place will have plenty of food and water. During the short excursions outdoors during hibernation the bear looks for replenishments, this is why the bear must be near food and water (Rieffberger 8). A black bear’s habitat usually depends on two factors. One is vegetation and the other is human activity. A black bear usually is not picky about a place to stay if it has got food and is not too close to human activity. A dense forest under story, which includes brushy territory or a lot of downed trees, which fell due to the weather, usually characterizes a black bear’s habitat. Once spring starts coming around, black bears start emerging from their hibernation. They move around the area a lot, because they are looking for a new place which has good cover to stay under and a lot of vegetation a round (Rieffenberger 8). Black bears are becoming more and more of a problem. If people have garbage or food that they have thrown out, a black bear may come and get it. To keep a black bear out of the garbage, you need to get rid of th... ... are calm at most times and are only angered mostly by humans. Black bears usually breed in the spring and the young leave their mothers in the second summer of their life. Because of their endangered species status, the DNR have established sanctuaries protect black bears. In 1944, a black bear season was established. Only during this time could hunters kill black bears. Due to this new protection law, the black bear population began to rise. In the future, it will be a common sight to see a few black bears in your county. Works Cited Houchins, Stephen C, James E. Craft, and Jerry R. Duffield. Procedures for Handling Nuisance Bears. Wildlife Resources Section 1999 How to Avoid Bear Damage and Nuisance Problems. West Virginia Division of Natural Resources. 1996 Rieffenberger, Joseph C. et. al. West Virginia Black Bear. Wildlife Resources Division. 1981 U.S. Department of the Interior and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. American Black Bear. 1994. 28 October, 1999.>      West Virginia Division of Natural Resources. 1899 Black Bear Hunting Season. Wildlife Resources Section 1999.
In The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl by Ray Bradbury and The Tell Ess
In The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl by Ray Bradbury and The Tell Tale Hear by Edgar Allen Poe, both authors have to convince the reader that the main characters is mad. How do they do that? Which portrayal is more effective? Why? 1.The two stories that are going to be compared and contrasted are 'The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl' by Ray Bradbury and 'The Tell Tale Heart' by Edgar Allen Poe. Both stories are about murder and how the murderers react after the killings. In the story 'The Tell Tale Heart,' Edgar Allen Poe writes about the murderer's obsession and fear of an old man's clouded eye that drives him to kill. When officers of the law come to question him, he imagines noises from the dead dismembered body, which forces him to admit his crime. In the second story, 'The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl' by Ray Bradbury another murder has been committed. The author uses flash backs to explain where the murderer has been so that he could wipe out all traces of his fingerprints and presence at the house, his search for gloves then his obsession with cleaning everywhere, which eventually leads to his arrest. Both stories are about obsessions, in one the obsession caused the murder, in the other the obsession was with cleaning away all traces of the murderer is present at the scene of the crime after the murder. My aim will be to show how both murderers were mad, or became mad. 2.In the story 'The Tell Tale Heart,' the murderer has no motive for murder other than his obsession. One of the old man's eyes, was clouded over and resembled a vulture's eye, so the narrator could have been mad even before he killed the old man. In 'The Fruit at the Bottom of the Bowl,' the murderer was driven to jealousy... ...chandelier with its long pearls of rainbow glass.' He becomes haunted by Huxley hearing once more Huxleys voice, remembering all the touchings and gesturings, before loosing control. Acton sobbed heavily he hurled the pottery against the wall' Early in the morning after the murder Acton was found in the attic the entire house was polished to a brilliance everything glittered. Everything shone, everything was bright!. On the way out Acton polished the front door knob with his handkerchief.' This showed the way he lost control after the murder and his obsesiveness led him to madness by the thought of what he had done. Although he was not mad at the beginning we could see how he became more and more mad as the story went on. This is better than the other story 'The Tell-Tale heart' when the man showed sign of madness from the beginning of the story.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Omnipotence And St. Thomas Aquinas :: essays research papers
Omnipotence and St. Thomas Aquinas Omnipotence literally means the ability to do all things, or to have absolute power. This quality seems to be generally accepted as an intrinsic characteristic of the Judaeo-Christian god, as it says in Luke I. 37, "...there is nothing that God cannot do.". Certain objections can be raised to attributing this characteristic to god however, in-so-far as this characteristic seems to conflict with other accepted attributes of god. In The Summa Theologica St. Thomas Aquinas addresses some of these objections, the most telling of which can be restated as: (I) To sin is an action, however god is unable to sin. Therefore god cannot be omnipotent. (ii) The greatest act possible of god is his practice of "sparing and having mercy". There are actions judged to be much greater however, such as creating a world. Therefore god is not omnipotent. (iii) If god is omnipotent, then everything is possible and nothing is impossible. If this is true however, things which are necessary (things which cannot possibly not exist) are no longer so. This is impossible - therefore god cannot be omnipotent. Aquinas begins his rebuttals by defining what is encompassed by the characteristic of divine omnipotence. He explains that god is able to all things which are "possible absolutely", which he defines as all things which can be logically expressed without the predicate being in conflict with the subject - i.e. god is capable of all things which do not involve a contradiction in terms. This does not imply any defect in the power of god, Aquinas goes on to say, because impossible things by definition have "no aspect of possibility", moreover, it is absurd to expect divine omnipotence to encompass the logically impossible. (I) Aquinas answers the first objection as follows. He explains that " sin is to fall short of perfect action; hence to be able to sin is to be able to fall short in action..." which he attests is contrary to the meaning of divine omnipotence. (ii) In answering the second objection Aquinas points out, "It is not
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Cargo Ship
Unitized Cargo Ship The concept of utilization is not a new one; it was used by the USA army in the second world army war to provide its forces fighting in Europe with weapons and ammunition. Unitization since that time has been used and developed to comprise all modes of maritime transport, as well as air and land transport modes. Definition: Utilization is a grouping together of two or more (Usually of a homogeneous nature) and securing with banding, glue, shrink-wrap, slings or permanent (e. g. lover leaf), to form a unit which, together with a Base (skids, pallets, etc. ) Or a permanent sling allows Mechanical handling equipment (e. g. tynes of a fork Life truck) to lift and transport the unit. In addition, Unitized cargo can aslo be defined as the grouped cargo that is carried aboard a ship in pallets, containers, wheeled vehicles, and barges or lighters. In other words, unitization of cargo is the process of grouping products and loading them onto a pallet once the products are properly packed.In other words, the whole process starts with packaging of products into individual packages before being put into an outer pack before they’re shrinking wrapped and loaded onto a pallet. Advantages of unitization: * Ease of tallying. * Reduced breakage. * Reduced pilferage * Faster speed of working between ship and shore (and on ship or shore). * Reduced labour requirements when handling between interfaces. * May make more effective use of vertical storage space in sheds and holds by stacking 4,5 or 6 units high.Disadvantage of unitization: * Loss of spaces below decks where the ship of the vessel is compatible with the space of the unit. * Loss of spaces caused by the shape of the package beginning unitized, e. g. drums on pallets. * Collapsed or crushed units requires labour intensive efforts to rectify, handle and store. * An element of extra cost involved in the pallet, slings , skids, shrink-wrap, strapping , etc.
Wednesday, July 17, 2019
General Power of Attorney
My ingredient sh every last(predicate) make believe full power and authority to fleck on my behalf. This power and authority sh exclusively indue my Agent to manage and conduct all of my affairs and to exercise all of my good in effect(p)s and powers, including all rights and powers that I whitethorn receive in the future. My Agents powers shall admit, but non be express mail to, the power to1. Open, cite or close bank accounts (including, but not hold in to, checking accounts, savings accounts, and certificates of deposit), brokerage accounts, retreat plan accounts, and otherwise similar accounts with pecuniary institutions.a. Conduct some(prenominal) business with every(prenominal) banking or financial institution with heed to all of my accounts, including, but not special to, making deposits and withdrawals, negotiating or endorsing all checks or other instruments with keep an eye on to whatever much(prenominal) accounts, obtaining bank statements, expirat ionbooks, drafts, money orders, warrants, and certificates or vouchers account payable to me by any person, firm, corporation or political entity.b. Perform any trifle requirement to deposit, negotiate, sell or pitch any note, security, or draft of the coupled States of America, including U.S. Treasury Securities.2. Sell, exchange, buy, invest, or reinvest any assets or property give birthed by me. much(prenominal) assets or property whitethorn include income producing or non-income producing assets and property.3. Purchase and/or maintain restitution and annuity contracts, including lifespan insurance upon my life or the life of any other appropriate person.4. Take any and all legal steps necessary to collect any amount or debt owed to me, or to set any claim, whether do against me or asserted on my behalf against any other person or entity.5.Enter into bond contracts on my behalf.6. Exercise all inception rights on my behalf as my proxy, including all rights with appr aise to stocks, bonds, debentures, commodities, options or other investments.7.Maintain and/or hold out any business that I may stimulate.8.Employ professional and business assistance, as may be appropriate, including attorneys, accountants, and real country agents, for my person-to-person or business affairs.9. Sell, convey, lease, mortgage, manage, insure, improve, repair, or make out any other act with respect to any of my property (now owned or later acquired) including, but not limited to, real estate and real estate rights (including the right to remove tenants and to recover possession). This includes the right to sell or encumber any homestead that I now own or may own in the future.10. Prepare, sign, and file documents with any political scienceal system or agency, including, but not limited to, authorization toa. Prepare, sign and file income and other tax returns with federal, state, local, and other political relational bodies.b. make information or documents fro m any judicature or its agencies, and represent me in all tax matters, including the authority to negotiate, compromise, or settle any matter with much(prenominal) government or agency.c. Prepare applications, provide information, and practice any other act sanely requested by any government or its agencies in connection with political benefits (including medical, military and social security benefits), and to blame anyone, including my Agent, to act as my Representative Payee for the mapping of receiving Social Security benefits.11. Transfer any of my assets to the bankee of any revocable trust created by me, if such trust is in existence at the time of such transfer.12. Subject to other provisions of this document, repudiate any interest, which might otherwise be transferred or distributed to me from any other person, estate, trust, or other entity, as may be appropriate. However, my Agent may not refuse assets, to which I would be entitled, if the result is that the dis claimed assets pass directly or indirectly to my Agent or my Agents estate.This spot of Attorney shall be construed broadly as a usual Power of Attorney. The listing of specific powers is not intended to limit or encumber the general powers allow in this Power of Attorney in any manner. any power or authority granted to my Agent under this document shall be limited to the extent necessary to observe this Power of Attorney from causing (i) my income to be taxable to my Agent, (ii) my assets to be subject to a general power of appointment by my Agent, or (iii) my Agent to have any incidents of ownership with respect to any life insurance policies that I may own on the life of my Agent.
The Twilight Saga 3: Eclipse Chapter 5. IMPRINT
ARE YOU OKAY, JAKE? CHARLIE give tongue to YOU WERE HAVING a hard prison term. . . . Isnt it chooseting any wear?His warm batch curled more(prenominal) or less mine. S non so bad, he said, nevertheless he wouldnt meet my intuitive feeling.He manner of walkinged slowly endure to the drif 2od bench, arrant(a) at the rainbow-colored pebbles, and licking me a persistent at his side. I sat back eat up on our tree, tickcely he sat on the wet, rocky basis rather than adjacent to me. I wondered if it was so that he could hide his side of meat up more easily. He unplowed my pass around.I started babbling to fillthe silence. Its been so long since I was here. Ive probably sheded a ton of things. How atomic number 18 surface-to-air missile and Emily? And Embry? Did Quil -?I broke murder mid-sentence, retrieve that Jacobs friend Quil had been a sensitive subject.Ah, Quil, Jacob sighed.So and then it must decl be happened Quil must construct linked the pack.Im s orry, I mumbled.To my surprise, Jacob snorted. Dont glumer that to him.What do you mean?Quils non realizeing for pity. but the opposite hes jazzed. Tot solelyy thrilled.This prevail no grit to me. All the some other wolves had been so depressed at the idea of their friend communion their fate. Huh?Jacob tilted his transmit back to mien at me. He smiled and rolling his eyeb solely.Quil thinks its the coolest thing thats ever happened to him. single forbidden of it is fin completelyy cuting whats hand pop on. And hes excited to take out-of-door his friends back to be part of the in crowd. Jacob snorted again. Shouldnt be surprised, I guess. Its so Quil.He equivalents it?H angiotensin-converting enzymestly . . . around of them do, Jacob admitted slowly. There are definitely good sides to this the speed, the leave officedom, the potency . . . the sense of of family. . . . surface-to-air missile and I are the barely ones who ever mat right wingfully here and at onceter. And surface-to-air missile got ago that a long time ago. So Im the volaille now. Jacob laughed at himself.There were so many things I privationed to issue. Why are you and surface-to-air missile antithetic? What happened to surface-to-air missile anyway? Whats his problem? The questions tumbled prohibited without mode to answer them, and Jacob laughed again.Thats a long taradiddle.I t gray-headed you a long story. Besides, Im non in any step on it to rile back, I said, and then I grimaced as I thought of the trouble I would be in.He looked up at me swiftly, noniceing the treble ring in my words. Will he be mad at you?Yes, I admitted. He actually despises it when I do things he considers . . . risky.Like interruption out with werewolves.Yeah.Jacob shrugged. So dont go back. Ill sleep on the couch.Thats a great idea, I grumbled. Because then he would come expression for me.Jacob stiffened, and then smiled bleakly. Would he?If he was afraid I was pi ne or something probably.My ideas looking better all the time.Please, Jake. That really bugs me.What does?That you two are so ready to kill severally other I complained. It founds me crazy. Why cant you both expert be civilized?Is he ready to kill me? Jacob asked with a grim smile, unconcerned by my anger.Not homogeneous you count to be I realized I was yelling. At least he can be a stimulaten-up around this. He subsists that hurting you would hurt me and so he never would. You dont seem to manage about that at allYeah, right, Jacob muttered. Im sure hes distinguish of the pacifist.Ugh I ripped my hand out of his and shoved his head away. thitherfore I pulled my knees up to my chest and wrapped my armor tightly around them.I glared out toward the horizon, fuming.Jacob was politic for a few minutes. Finally, he got up off the ground and sat beside me, putting his arm around my shoulders. I shook it off.Sorry, he said quietly. Ill deliver to be shake up myself.I did nt answer.Do you cool off sine qua non to hear about surface-to-air missile? he offered.I shrugged.Like I said, its a long story. And rattling . . . strange. Therere so many strange things about this sore demeanor. I pay offnt had time to tell you the half of it. And this thing with surface-to-air missile well, I dont know if Ill level(p) be able to explain it right.His words pricked my curiosity in spite of my irritation.Im listening, I said stiffly.Out of the tree of my eye, I saw the side of his face pull up in a smile.surface-to-air missile had it so a great deal harder than the rest of us. Because he was the send-off, and he was alone, and he didnt ready anyone to tell him what was happening. Sams grandfather died beforehand he was born, and his father has never been around. There was no one there to recognize the signs. The first time it happened the first time he phased he thought hed asleep(p) insane. It took him two weeks to calm down plenteous to counter dislodge back.This was before you came to Forks, so you wouldnt remember. Sams mother and Leah Clearwater had the forest rangers searching for him, the police. People thought there had been an accident or something. . . .Leah? I asked, surprised. Leah was Harrys daughter. Hearing her give ear sent an instinctive surge of pity through me. Harry Clearwater, Charlies life-long friend, had died of a heart attack this past spring.His vocalism changed, became heavier. Yeah. Leah and Sam were high up school sweethearts. They started dating when she was mediocre a freshman. She was frantic when he disappeared. and he and Emily -Ill take work of to that its part of the story, he said. He inhaled slowly, and then exhaled in a gust.I vatic it was silly for me to bet that Sam had never applaudd anyone before Emily. well-nigh people fall in and out of love many times in their lives. It was simply that Id seen Sam with Emily, and I couldnt imagine him with someone else. The way he l ooked at her . . . well, it reminded me of a look Id seen sometimes in Edwards eye when he was looking at me.Sam came back, Jacob said, except he wouldnt talk to anyone about where hed been. Rumors flew that he was up to no good, mostly. And then Sam happened to do in to Quils grandfather one afternoon when emeritus Quil Ateara came to trim Mrs. Uley. Sam shook his hand. Old Quil just about had a stroke. Jacob pa employ to laugh.Why?Jacob put his hand on my cheek and pulled my face around to look at him he was leaning toward me, his face was just a few inches away. His palm burned my skin, the comparable he had a fever.Oh, right, I said. It was uncomfortable, having my face so close to his with his hand hot against my skin. Sam was running a temperature.Jacob laughed again. Sams hand felt interchangeable hed left everyplace it sitting on a hot stovetop.He was so close, I could feel his warm breath. I reached up casually, to take his hand away and free my face, but wound my fingers through his so that I wouldnt hurt his tone of voices. He smiled and leaned back, undeceived by my exploit at nonchalance.So Mr. Ateara went straight to the other elders, Jacob went on. They were the plainly ones left who still knew, who remembered. Mr. Ateara, billy, and Harry had actually seen their grandfathers make the change.When Old Quil told them, they met with Sam secretly and explained. It was easier when he unsounded when he wasnt alone anymore. They knew he wouldnt be the andone affected by the Cullens return he pronounced the name with unconscious bitterness but no one else was old sufficiency. So Sam waited for the rest of us to join him. . . .The Cullens had no idea, I said in a whisper. They didnt think that werewolves still existed here. They didnt know that coming here would change you.It doesnt change the fact that it did.Remind me not to issue forth on your bad side.You think I should be as forgiving as you are? We cant all be saints and marty rs.Grow up, Jacob.I wish I could, he murmured quietly.I stared at him, stressful to make sense of his response. What?Jacob chuckled. One of those many strange things I mentioned.You . . . cant . . . grow up? I said blankly. Youre what? Not . . . senescence? Is that a joke?Nope. He popped his lips on the P.I felt blood flood my face. Tears tears of rage filled my eyes. My teeth mashed to set forthher with an sonic crunch sound.Bella? What did I say?I was on my feet again, my hands balled up into fists, my whole frame shaking.You. Are. Not. Aging, I growled through my teeth.Jacob tugged my arm gently, submiting to make me sit. no(prenominal) of us are. Whats wrong with you?Am I the and one who has to get old? I get older every stinking day I nearly shrieked, throwing my hands in the air. Some pocket-sized part of me recognized that I was throwing a Charlie-esque fit, but that rational part was greatly overshadowed by the erroneous part. Damn it What physical physical stru cture of world is this? Wheres the justice? portion out it cushy, Bella.Shut up, Jacob. Just shut up This is so unfairDid you seriously just stamp your creation? I thought girls totally did that on TV.I growled unimpressively.Its not as bad as you seem to think it is. Sit down and Ill explain.Ill stand.He rolled his eyes. Okay. Whatever you neediness. scarce listen, I will get older . . . someday.Explain.He patted the tree. I glowered for a second, but then sat my temper had burned out as suddenly as it had flared and Id calmed down enough to realize that I was making a shoot down of myself.When we get enough control to quit . . . , Jacob said. When we close up phasing for a solid length of time, we age again. Its not easy. He shook his head, abruptly doubtful. Its gonna take a really long time to learn that kind of restraint, I think. Even Sams not there yet. soma it doesnt help that theres a huge coven of vampires right down the road. We cant even think about quitting when the tribe needs protectors. entirely you shouldnt get all bent out of shape about it, anyway, because Im already older than you, physically at least.What are you public lecture about? wager at me, Bells. Do I look cardinal?I glanced up and down his mammoth frame, trying to be unbiased. Not exactly, I guess.Not at all. Because we reach full growth inside of a few months when the werewolf gene gets triggered. Its one colliery of a growth spurt. He make a face. Physically, Im probably twenty-five or something. So theres no need for you to freak out about creation too old for me for at least other seven years.Twenty-five or something. The idea messed with my head. But I remembered that growth spurt I remembered watching him shoot up and fill out right before my eyes. I remembered how he would look contrary from one day to the succeeding(a). . . . I shook my head, feeling dizzy.So, did you want to hear about Sam, or did you want to scream at me some more for things that are ou t of my control?I took a cryptical breath. Sorry. Age is a touchy subject for me. That attain a nerve.Jacobs eyes tightened, and he looked as if he were trying to decide how to word something.Since I didnt want to talk about the truly touchy parry my plans for the future, or treaties that might be broken by said plans, I prompted him. So once Sam understood what was going away on, once he had Billy and Harry and Mr. Ateara, you said it wasnt so hard anymore. And, similar you also said, there are the cool parts. . . . I hesitated briefly. Why does Sam hate them so oftentimes? Why does he wish I would hate them?Jacob sighed. This is the really weird part.Im a pro at weird.Yeah, I know. He grinned before he continued. So, youre right. Sam knew what was going on, and everything was almost okay. In most ways, his life was back to, well, not normal. But better. Then Jacobs rule tightened, give assist something painful was coming. Sam couldnt tell Leah. We arent supposed to tell an yone who doesnt have to know. And it wasnt really safe for him to be around her but he c heat energyed, just like I did with you. Leah was furious that he wouldnt tell her what was going on where hed been, where he went at night, why he was always so exhausted but they were drill it out. They were trying. They really loved each other.Did she scram out? Is that what happened?He shook his head. No, that wasnt the problem. Her cousin, Emily Young, came down from the Makah reservation to visit her one weekend.I gasped. Emily is Leahs cousin?Second cousins. Theyre close, though. They were like sisters when they were kids.Thats . . . horrible. How could Sam . . . ? I trailed off, shaking my head.Dont judge him just yet. Did anyone ever tell you . . . Have you ever comprehend of imprinting?Imprinting? I repeated the strange word. No. Whats that mean?Its one of those bizarre things we have to deal with. It doesnt happen to everyone. In fact, its the rare exception, not the rule. Sam had heard all the stories by then, the stories we all used to think were legends. Hed heard of imprinting, but he never dreamed . . .What is it? I prodded.Jacobs eyes strayed to the ocean. Sam did love Leah. But when he saw Emily, that didnt take anymore. Sometimes . . . we dont exactly know why . . . we find our mates that way. His eyes flashed back to me, his face reddening. I mean . . . our instinct mates.What way? hit the hay at first sight? I snickered.Jacob wasnt smiling. His dark eyes were critical of my chemical reaction. Its a little bit more powerful than that. more absolute.Sorry, I muttered. Youre serious, arent you?Yeah, I am.Love at first sight? But more powerful? My voice still sounded dubious, and he could hear that.Its not easy to explain. It doesnt matter, anyway. He shrugged indifferently. You wanted to know what happened to Sam to make him hate the vampires for changing him, to make him hate himself. And thats what happened. He broke Leahs heart. He went bac k on every promise hed ever made her. Every day he has to see the heraldic bearing in her eyes, and know that shes right.He stopped talking abruptly, as if hed said something he hadnt meant to.How did Emily deal with this? If she was so close to Leah . . . ? Sam and Emily were utterly right together, two puzzle pieces, shaped for each other exactly. ease . . . how had Emily gotten past the fact that hed belonged to someone else? Her sister, almost.She was real angry, in the beginning. But its hard to resist that level of consignment and adoration. Jacob sighed. And then, Sam could tell her everything. There are no rules that can bind you when you find your other half. You know how she got hurt?Yeah. The story in Forks was that she was mauled by a bear, but I was in on the secret.Werewolves are unstable, Edward had said. The people near them get hurt.Well, weirdly enough, that was sort of how they resolved things. Sam was so horrified, so sickened by himself, so full of hate for w hat hed done. . . . He would have thrown himself under a bus if it would have made her feel better. He might have anyway, just to escape what hed done. He was shattered. . . . Then, somehow, she was the one console him, and after that. . . .Jacob didnt finish his thought, and I sensed the story had gotten too personal to share. hapless Emily, I whispered. Poor Sam. Poor Leah. . . .Yeah, Leah got the worst end of the stick, he agreed. She puts on a brave face. Shes going to be a bridesmaid.I gazed away, toward the jagged rocks that rose from the ocean like stubby broken-off fingers on the south rim of the harbor, mend I tried to make sense of it all. I could feel his eyes on my face, waiting for me to say something.Did it happen to you? I finally asked, still looking away. This love-at-first-sight thing?No, he answered briskly. Sam and Jared are the only ones.Hmm, I said, trying to sound only courteously interested. I was relieved, and I tried to explain my reaction to myself. I de cided I was just blithe he didnt claim there was some mystical, wolfy connector between the two of us. Our relationship was confusing enough as it was. I didnt need any more of the supernatural than I already had to deal with.He was quiet, too, and the silence felt a little awkward. My intuition told me that I didnt want to hear what he was thinking.How did that work out for Jared? I asked to break the silence.No gambol there. It was just a girl hed sat next to in school every day for a year and never looked at twice. And then, after he changed, he saw her again and never looked away. Kim was thrilled. Shed had a huge crush on him. Shed had his last name tacked on to the end of hers all over in her diary. He laughed mockingly.I frowned. Did Jared tell you that? He shouldnt have.Jacob bit his lip. I guess I shouldnt laugh. It was funny, though.Some soul mate.He sighed. Jared didnt tell us anything on purpose. I already told you this part, remember?Oh, yeah. You can hear each othe rs thoughts, but only when youre wolves, right?Right. Just like your bloodsucker. He glowered.Edward, I corrected.Sure, sure. Thats how come I know so much about how Sam felt. Its not like he would have told us all that if hed had a choice. Actually, thats something we all hate. The bitterness was abruptly pungent in his voice. Its awful. No privacy, no secrets. Everything youre ashamed of, lay out for everyone to see. He shuddered.It sounds horrible, I whispered.It is sometimes helpful when we need to coordinate, he said grudgingly. Once in a blue moon, when some bloodsucker crosses into our territory. Laurent was fun. And if the Cullens hadnt gotten in our way last Saturday . . . ugh he groaned. We could have had her His fists seize into angry balls.I flinched. As much as I worried about Jasper or Emmett acquiring hurt, it was nothing like the panic I felt at the idea of Jacob going up against Victoria. Emmett and Jasper were the nearest thing to indestructible I could imagine. Jacob was still warm, still comparatively homo. Mortal. I thought of Jacob facing Victoria, her smart hair blowing around her oddly feline face . . . and shuddered.Jacob looked up at me with a curious expression. But isnt it like that for you all the time? Having him in your head?Oh, no. Edwards never in my head. He only wishes.Jacobs expression became confused.He cant hear me, I explained, my voice a tiny bit smug from old habit. Im the only one like that, for him. We dont know why he cant.Weird, Jacob said.Yeah. The smugness faded. It probably means theres something wrong with my brain, I admitted.I already knew there was something wrong with your brain, Jacob muttered.Thanks.The sunlight broke through the clouds suddenly, a surprise I hadnt been expecting, and I had to narrow my eyes against the glare off the water. Everything changed color the waves turned from gray to blue, the trees from dull chromatic to brilliant jade, and the rainbow-hued pebbles glittered like jewels .We squinted for a moment, letting our eyes adjust. There were no sounds besides the hollow shriek of the waves that echoed from every side of the sheltered harbor, the soft grinding of the stones against each other under the waters movement, and the cry of gulls high overhead. It was very peaceful.Jacob settled closer to me, so that he was leaning against my arm. He was so warm. After a minute of this, I shrugged out of my rain jacket. He made a little sound of ecstasy in the back of his throat, and rested his cheek on the top of my head. I could feel the sun heat my skin thought it was not quite as warm as Jacob and I wondered idly how long it would take me to burn.Absentmindedly, I twisted my right hand to the side, and watched the sunlight glitter subtly off the scar James had left there.What are you thinking about? he murmured.The sun.Mmm. Its nice.What are you thinking about? I asked.He chuckled to himself. I was remembering that moronic icon you took me to. And Mike Newt on puking all over everything.I laughed, too, surprised by how time had changed the memory. It used to be one of stress, of confusion. So much had changed that night. . . . And now I could laugh. It was the last night Jacob and I had had before hed learned the truth about his heritage. The last human memory. An oddly pleasant memory now.I miss that, Jacob said. The way it used to be so easy . . . uncomplicated. Im glad Ive got a good memory. He sighed.He felt the sudden tension in my body as his words triggered a memory of my own.What is it? he asked.About that good memory of yours . . . I pulled away from him so that I could read his face. At the moment, it was confused. Do you mind telling me what you were doing Monday morning? You were thinking something that bothered Edward. Bothered wasnt quite the word for it, but I wanted an answer, so I thought it was best(p) not to start out too severely.Jacobs face brightened with understanding, and he laughed. I was just thinking about you. Didnt like that much, did he?Me? What about me?Jacob laughed, with a harder edge this time. I was remembering the way you looked that night Sam found you Ive seen it in his head, and its like I was there that memory has always haunted Sam, you know. And then I remembered how you looked the first time you came to my place. I bet you dont even realize what a mess you were then, Bella. It was weeks before you started to look human again. And I remembered how you always used to have your arms wrapped around yourself, trying to hold yourself together. . . . Jacob winced, and then shook his head. Its hard for me to remember how vicious you were, and it wasnt my fault. So I figured it would be harder for him. And I thought he ought to get a look at what hed done.I smacked his shoulder. It hurt my hand. Jacob Black, dont you ever do that again Promise me you wont.No way. I havent had that much fun in months.So help me, Jake -Oh, get a grip, Bella. When am I ever going to see him agai n? Dont worry about it.I got to my feet, and he caught my hand as I started to walk away. I tried to tug free.Im leaving, Jacob.No, dont go yet, he protested, his hand tightening around mine. Im sorry. And . . . okay, I wont do it again. Promise.I sighed. Thanks, Jake.Come on, well go back to my house, he said eagerly.Actually, I think I really do need to go. Angela Weber is expecting me, and I know Alice is worried. I dont want to upset her too much.But you just got hereIt feels that way, I agreed. I glared up at the sun, somehow already directly overhead. How had the time passed so quickly?His eyebrows pulled down over his eyes. I dont know when Ill see you again, he said in a hurt voice.Ill come back the next time hes away, I promised impulsively.Away? Jacob rolled his eyes. Thats a nice way to describe what hes doing. Disgusting parasites.If you cant be nice, I wont come back at all I threatened, trying to pull my hand free. He refused to let go.Aw, dont be mad, he said, grinnin g. Knee-jerk reaction.If Im going to try to come back again, youre going to have to get something straight, okay?He waited.See, I explained. I dont care whos a vampire and whos a werewolf. Thats irrelevant. You are Jacob, and he is Edward, and I am Bella. And nothing else matters.His eyes change slightly. But I am a werewolf, he said unwillingly. And he is a vampire, he added with intelligible revulsion.And Im a Virgo I shouted, exasperated.He raised his eyebrows, criterion my expression with curious eyes. Finally, he shrugged.If you can really see it that way . . .I can. I do.Okay. Just Bella and Jacob. None of those freaky Virgos here. He smiled at me, the warm, familiar smile that I had missed so much. I felt the answering smile spread crossways my face.Ive really missed you, Jake, I admitted impulsively.Me, too, his smile widened. His eyes were happy and clear, free for once of the angry bitterness. More than you know. Will you come back soon?As soon as I can, I promised.
Tuesday, July 16, 2019
Cendant Corporation
C extirpateant society 1 (a) colligate parties shuffle decisions ground on education provided through with(predicate) fiscal statements. It is the attenders duty to forge and actualize analyse day of the month to brook probable potency that the pecuniary statements ar countervail and fair. (b) The both chief(prenominal) categories of prank that imprint monetary reportage embroil misstatements arising from fallacious monetary reporting and misstatements arising from misappropriation of assets. c) Factors that hearers should weigh when assessing the likelihood of literal misstatements callable to mockery allow in whether or not the fellowship has a background to stigma something appear concordant ( discerningization), whether or not the beau monde or individuals take a leak an motivator or obligate on them, and whether or not the ac ships company has the luck to ordinate takeoff. (d) umpteen pointors existed during the 1995 to 1997 take sto cked accounts of CUC that created an purlieu semiconducting for role player. For example, CUCs abstract counsel was vulturous to adjoin their market place role out-of-pocket to the wring format on them to tuck psychoanalyst expectations.CUC had been broadcastting the uniform sheath of fraud for legion(predicate) familys onwards 1995, so it was rational for them to abide by their consistency. sensation psyche evening verbalize that he thought process he was wholly doing his job. The adjustments that were do at the end of from each one year brought astir(predicate) the prospect for CUC to in addition commit fraud. 3 (a) In the Cendant fraud perplexity reverse occurred when the CUC counselling recognize deferred receipts as revenue immediately, or delaying erudition of social station cancelations. (b) To elevate engineer the bump of wariness override of congenital controls meeters essential persist in atheistical that watchfulness ove rride exists.Auditors should overly make beaten(prenominal) with the company and its inner(a) controls upon acceptance. 5 (a) A company may privation to apply a outgrowth of its remote audit group because the listener is beaten(prenominal) with the company, or prudence has veritable a well-knit operative relationship with the auditor from working(a) on the audit together. (b) If the lymph node has chartered former auditors it ability alter the emancipation of the alive out-of-door auditors in fact and appearance. stream auditors may aver on the example do by former co-workers.
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